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  I woke up to the sound of my mom yelling from the bottom of the stairs. I looked at my alarm clock and it was 8:33. "Oh no! Alarm why didn't you wake me?!" Emma yelled at her alarm jumping out of bed. "Emma sweetie! Let's go your gonna be late and your breakfast is getting cold!" Ingrid yelled again. "I'm coming!" Emma yelled back while getting dressed.

  A couple minutes later Emma ran down the stairs and bumps into Elsa. "Come on let's go!" Elsa dragged Emma out of the house before she even got to eat breakfast. "Bye girls!" Their mother yelled after them. Emma looked at her mother and frowns and Ingrid chuckled. 

  Emma and Elsa got to their bus stop right when the bus turned the corner. "See Emma if we waited for you to eat we would have missed the bus!" Elsa yelled walking up the stairs of the bus. Emma followed behind Elsa and Emma found a seat next to Belle. 

"Hi, Emma." Belle waved at Emma. "Good morning Belle." Emma smiled big. "What are you so happy about?" Belle asked. "Nothing." Emma lied "Lier. You're happy about something." Belle crossed her arms over her chest and smirked. "Fine." Emma sighed and finally gives in. "Ok. I'm really happy today because I get to see Neal and it's my birthday." Emma smiled.

"Happy birthday Emma!... wait did I hear Neal's name? You're happy because you get to see him!? Why?" Belle asked. "Because... he's... my boyfriend now." Emma almost squealed. "He's your what!? Oh my gosh that's awesome! But why him? I thought you like Killian. You're always talking to him and hanging around him." Belle's expression changed every single sentence.

"No I don't like him and he's always talking to me!" Emma crossed her arms. "Neal asked me out and I just said yes. I wanted to get to know him better before I gave him an answer but... I was too impatient." Emma sighed. "Well, I'm glad your happy and you don't like that loser, Killian." Belle smiled and looked out the window.

  The bus got to the school and everyone got off. Belle, Elsa, and Emma got off together. Elsa and Belle both separated from Emma to go to their own lockers while Emma went to hers. Emma was getting her stuff out of her locker when someone came up to her and leans up against the locker next to hers.

  Emma looked over and sees a boy with brown curly hair and a very small stubble. "Hello, sexy." He winks. "Um hi?" Emma hung up her book bag. "My name is Graham. You look new." He tilted his head a little. "Um ya I'm new, I've been here for 3 days. I'm Emma. Sorry if this is rude to ask but, what do you want?" Emma asked. "I just wanted to know your name." Graham walked away and I soon see Regina grab him and start yelling at him. I looked away and started looking around for Neal. I couldn't see him anywhere.

  Emma got to her class and took her seat. The teacher started teaching when the fire alarm went off. The whole school walked outside and stood out on the grass. I found Elsa and all of her friends. Belle soon found me and joined us. A couple minutes later the announcement went off on the outside speakers.

"Sorry to interrupt your morning but we had a small fire. Someone put some aluminum in the microwave... again." The announcement ended but then came back on a couple minutes later. "Ok everything is cleared, you can go back to your classes." The announcement ended and everyone started heading back to their class.

  --- At lunch ---

  Emma walked into the cafeteria and took her seat next to Belle. "Happy birthday Emma!" Everyone at the table yelled. "Aw, how did you girls know!" Emma laughed. All the girls pointed at Elsa. "Of course. Did you tell the whole school?" Emma jokes. "No... maybe"Elsa's eyes widened and she laughed. Emma laughed and someone sat next to her which made her jump for some reason. She looked over and saw Neal.

"Hello, Emma." Neal smiled. "Well hello, Neal. Where were you this morning?" Emma asked. "I was late... getting this." Neal put a small box in front of Emma. " What is this for?" Emma looked at the box and smiled. "It's for you. For your birthday. Elsa told me last night." Neal smiled and looked at Elsa. "Thank you, Neal. You didn't have to." Emma kept smiling. "But I did... just open it." Neal laughed.

  Emma opened it and saw a beautiful necklace that had a swan in the middle of it

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  Emma opened it and saw a beautiful necklace that had a swan in the middle of it. "Thank you again, Neal. It's awesome!" Emma smiled. "Your welcome." Neal took the box and took out the necklace. "May I?" Neal asked if he could put it on her. "Sure." Emma moved closer and pushed her hair to the side for him to put it on.

  --- Regina's POV ---

   Regina looked over at Emma and saw Neal put a necklace on her. She turned to Graham who was scarfing down a slice of pizza. "Why does that new girl get all the attention." Regina scolded and crossed her arms. "You mean Emma." Graham and Killian both said at the same time and looked at Regina. Regina rolled her eyes. "Yes, Emma... whatever." Killian and Graham looked at each other and grinned. Regina noticed that. "What are you two losers smiling about?" Regina yelled.

"Well, you see, Regina. The reason people give her more attention is that she... well... is prettier and cooler than you." Killian smirked. Graham laughed and Regina hit him in the arm. "You don't think I'm pretty or cool?!" Regina yelled at Graham. Graham looked at Regina and laughed. "You're my girlfriend. Of course, I think you're prettier than her. It's just how he said it made me laugh." Graham looked at Killian and chuckled. Regina looked at Killian and gave him a nasty look. Killian put his hands up in defense.

"I heard Elsa say it was her birthday today. Graham, let's go say happy birthday." Killian gestured for Graham to come with him. Graham stood up and Regina grabbed his arm. Graham looked at her. "What?" Graham tried to get his arm out of her grasp. "If you do that were over." Regina scolded. Graham and Killian were shocked, but then Graham pulled his arm away from Regina's hand and walked over to Emma.

  Regina didn't believe what just happened. She felt like she just got punched in the stomach really hard. She wanted to cry. She watched Killian and Graham say happy birthday to Emma and walk back to their table several minutes later. Before they sat down Regina ran out of the cafeteria crying.

  She ran into the bathroom and looked into the mirror. She saw the tears already trickling down her face and that made her cry even more. Someone walked into the bathroom and Regina stopped crying and looked over to see Mary Margaret. "What do you want!" Regina said trying not to have her voice crack from the crying. "I need to use the bathroom but you look like you need some help. What's wrong Regina?" Mary Margaret stepped a little closer to her.

  Regina hated Mary so much. "Why do you care?! Use the bathroom and leave me alone!" Regina started to cry again. Mary walked up to her and put her hand on her shoulder. Regina moved away. Mary sighed. "What have I ever done to you!?" Mary yelled a little. Regina was shocked by her yelling it made her angry.

"You ruined my life! You told my mother about Daniel and got him killed!" Regina yelled. "He's not dead he just moved!" Mary corrected her. "She scared him away! I told you to keep him a secret but you couldn't!" Regina started crying again. "Your mother noticed I was hiding something and forced it out of me!" Mary yelled. Regina wanted to punch Mary but she wasn't in the mood to get in trouble. "And now all because of that Emma Swan, Graham left me!" Regina was crying even harder. "I'm sorry Regina." Mary walked out of the bathroom leaving Regina alone again.

  Regina looked in the mirror and saw the mascara she had on was running down her face. She cleaned up and put more mascara on. She gripped the sided of the sink and stared into the mirror above it. She looked at her self then she became really angry.

"Emma Swan... you will pay for what you have done!" Regina yelled.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2018 ⏰

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