Chapter Five

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Word Count: 2649


His hair slips through my fingers, that tangle around the light brown strands.

Luca is mad. Furious actually. So irked by Casper's comments, he had taken it upon himself to prove that he could make me climax. I think he was proving it to himself more than anything.

But as I lay there, feeling the assault of his tongue against the most sensitive part of my body, I didn't feel anything but uncomfortable. Fuelled by anger, not love, Luca had decided to go down on me, and I wasn't enjoying it in the slightest.

For a start, I couldn't get Casper out of my mind. How he knew about me faking orgasms was chilling. People shouldn't just be able to look at others and tell that from one glance.

So instead of enjoying his tongue against me, I moaned when needed, and uttered his name as I pretended to finish.

As I pulled my clothes on, I noticed Luca looking proud of himself. It had boosted his ego, and I wouldn't doubt that he would tell Casper any time he saw him. So I decided I needed to wander into the Phantom Forest, and find where Casper lived.

Because I can't deal with a jealous boyfriend any longer, and I have a feeling Casper is the main cause of Luca's suddenly change of attitude. I'm going to find Casper and tell him to stay away.

Luca left not long after. He got a call from his father who reported another girl had gone missing. Despite being worried it might be June, I'm going to find Casper first. The sooner he is out of Luca and I's life, the better.

So I grabbed a black backpack, and stuffed it with a spare jacket, an umbrella, and a flashlight. I was prepared.

I started my walk with the afternoon sun on my back. Since yesterday, when Casper came to my house, and made me late for work, I've wanted to find his house. It was only fair me knowing where he lives, since he knows where I do.

So I walk at a quick pace down the beaten path I usually take to June's house. I hope she's okay. She locks her house up pretty good, and never goes out much. But with that broken window...No, she would have stayed at her parents house if it was that much of an issue.

Determined not to let he heaviness of my backpack get to me, I stalk on, pushing the odd branch away from my face, or bush sticking out of the dirt path away from my feet as I walk.

I have a vague idea of where Casper's estate would be. People said it was old and falling apart, and stuck out through the undergrowth, which means it won't be hard to find. Nowadays, the only people that go around the property is the ones who owned it, although no ones knows who does anymore.

Some rumours even hint that Alpha Jasper and his father lived in it centuries ago, before they both died. I think June told me once that their souls haunt the place.

Not that I believe that.

The walk ate up around an hour of my time. I had never expected it to take so long to finally find the estate Casper lived in. And despite there being no hint of this being his residence, it just seemed so...Obvious.

But it wasn't exactly what I thought it would be. I expected run down. I expected chipping away at the edges, broken and deranged. Instead the house stands proud and tall, the sun reflecting off the classic wood. This wasn't the estate I was told to be frightened of.

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