Chapter 2

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Mari's POV

"What's under that cloth anyway?"I wondered out loud,Callie pressing her hand on her shoulder."What cloth?"Keisha asked moving my hands from her chin."The cloth over Shorties's forehead."I said looking at her before the PA system came on,calling me and "The Masked Fighter" up to the ring.I sighed and leapt up,the person that came up to our hips was silent as Shelia yelled "Begin!!" into the mic."Ack!H-Hey can you not try to destroy me for ten seconds?!Or until I can land properly?!"I asked stumbling out of her way.I think it's a she.I summoned my mallet again,and used it to deflect her attacks back to her,only having the energy to swing it.

"Ichi...Ni...San."I counted in Japanese,just because I felt like it as I deflected her attacks.Soon,she started pushing against my mallet with her attacks,and when I stopped to rest for a split second,she summoned up the biggest explosion of spirit energy like Yusuke's.Only this blast could take out half of the ring...And audience.And when I was lost in thought,she fired it,and I put up my arms,laced them with my spirit energy,hoping it would save me from death.

Hiei's POV

'She's...She's alive isn't she?'I thought,looking at the giant smoke cloud from the ring as the Masked Fighter landed.And before you people start assuming that I like Mari,I don't.Don't.I only worry because she's the only one that I've met who understands how I feel.Being short,and sensitive about her height.Then a strange red light  glowed through the smoke."Agh...Jeez... Thank you spirit shield..."Mari said coughing from somewhere in the smoke.I sighed in relief and Yusuke crept behind me,and I immediately pointed my katana at him,frowning."Don't even think about it Detective."I growled,him slowly shrinking back to his spot."Since when did you get a shield?"Callie asked."I don't.I just manipulated my energy into a shield.Like Kuwabaka does with his spirit sword."Mari explained as she wielded the mallet again.And I was trying my best not to laugh.Mostly because I don't show emotions.By choice.

Mari tossed her mallet at the Masked Fighter,then it glowed the same red that her arms had,then returned to her after it missed.She did this for awhile,before the Masked Fighter elbows her chest.Hard.So hard that the look of pain was frozen on her face for a minute,then she sat up as much as she could,groaning in pain a little."I always thought she was flat-chested."Callie said.Kiesha agreed and stared at Mari in disbelief."C-Can we not discuss the fact that I'm not flat-chested?!"Mari snapped at the two as she got up and wielded her mallet again."Maybe it's the cloak."Callie said rubbing her chin like Yusuke does from time to time.

"Jeez...Okay anyway!"Mari swung the mallet at the Masked Fighter,finally hitting...Whatever gender "it" was and slammed it into a wall,the referee ducking just in time."What an astounding recovery!!After suffering a painful blow to a sensitive spot,Mari slams the Masked Fighter into a wall!Well,better start counting!1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10!The winner of this round is the Lushi Team!!"She said picking Mari up by her arm,Mari looking more and more pissed by the millisecond,pulled one of the referee's furry ears down and yelled into it,"Put me down!"And she put her down and rubbed her ear.

Mari's POV

"So much pain.."I whined as I curled up into a ball and silently wished Keisha would get called up to the ring,leaving Callie with me to heal."Keisha VS. Kurama!"Sheila called,and Keisha kicked off her platforms and leapt up onto the ring.

Keisha's POV

The platforms are for decoration.They are not running shoes!And plus I run better barefoot."May I ask why you've removed your shoes?"Kurama asked raising an eyebrow."Oh,it's because the platforms almost break my-"I said before the referee jabbed her arm in between us,and yelled "Begin!"

I leapt back in caution,mostly because I didn't want my head being cut off by a plant."So the platforms are painful to you when you're moving around alot?"Kurama asked summoning his rose whip again,letting it fall to the floor."Yeah...Should I be worried about that?"I asked,gesturing to his weapon."Of course.And what might your weapon be?"Kurama asked swinging the whip at me."Gah!"I exclaimed and encased myself in my spirit energy,creating a substance that his whip couldn't cut through.And that whip can slice through ANYTHING.

"Incredible...Your spirit energy is an unbreakable substance..."Kurama trailed off and stared down at me in awe.'So that's one thing I can use to my advantage...'I thought as I leapt over him,and encasing his whip in my energy,letting me take it."Another perk."I smiled and swung the whip at Kurama,him performing acrobatic moves as he took care to avoid the whip."I must admit,that is an extraordinary ability you have...Care to inform me?"Kurama asked as he grabbed the whip with both hands,some blood dripping because my energy had started fading away from that spot.

"It's a White Wolf perk.Whi-"I began to explain,and racked my brain from what could happen if he let go.But Kurama interrupted me."White Wolf?This is your human form?"Kurama asked,a little wide eyed."Yeah.My demon name is actually Keisha,but my real human name would be Kole."I explained,trying to regenerate my energy to that spot that Kurama was holding."Same as well.Suichi Minamino is my human name.Yoko Kurama is my demon name.But feel free to call me what you like."Kurama then snatched the whip from me,but instead of slicing me to bits,he wrapped it around my torso,and lifted me into the air."Well Kole,did you ever wonder how I sliced through objects with the whip?"Suichi asked,lowering me to his earshot."Little bit."I said,hoping he didn't cut me while I was trapped.

"It's because of my spirit energy,Yoko's spirit energy is so powerful that it can destroy anything.But apparently not your spirit energy.Why is that?"Suichi asked,putting me down,but still keeping me in earshot.And without my platforms,he's taller than me!"I don't really know...Maybe it's because we're the same."I said shrugging,one of the thorns cutting into my arms.Suichi chuckled a little to himself and loosened his grip on the whip."Try not to move much."He said placing another hand farther up the whip and yanked it,me spinning around as thorns cut my arms and shirt.When I stopped,the strips of my shirt fell,exposing my stomach."Ah smart move.. You waited until I was distracted enough to attack...Very smart."I said channeling my spirit energy into double swords.Suichi smiled and charged at me,swinging the whip every which way.

I tossed one sword up and moved my hands farther up the handle,and swung it like a baseball bat,Suichi moving just in time.But not before noticing that he was bleeding from his cheek,and chest,one long cut stretching from his shoulder to his hip.It's not deep,but it's something."I'm guessing by the look on your face that few people have actually damaged you?"I asked smiling as I pushed my glasses up on my head.

Suichi nodded once and swung his whip again as my sword came back down,the impact aiming it towards me."Jump."He said as it was flying towards my stomach.I did,but as I was coming back down,I grabbed it and pointed both blades at his head,the look of horror on his face."Impressive.You have good reflexes."Suichi said grabbing my wrists and squeezing them,cutting off the blood to them,causing me to drop the swords."Th-Thanks..."I stuttered,mostly because I was out of breath.Then the referee had to say something...

"Kurama literally has Keisha in his grip!But why isn't he destroying her?"She asked into the mic,roars of disapproval moving through the crowd.I let my head fall to his chest and attempted to regain my breath,as Suichi let go of my wrists."You want to win correct?"He asked looking down at me.I nodded as I backed up,placing my hands on my knees and nodding.Suichi got down on one knee and looked up at me."You may return me to the Urameshi team."He said.

I looked at him for awhile,before repossessing his whip and sending him back.And the referee started counting.

I won.But by accident.I picked up all the strips of cloth and began wrapping them around my cuts,the pink from Suichi's uniform adding colour to my outfit."You could've just cut him into strips Keisha!"Callie snapped at me as she kicked my platforms away."How would you like it if you were being polite and someone murdered you?"I asked feeling the top of my head for my glasses.Then I heard footsteps behind me."I believe these belong to you."Suichi was holding both of my swords in one hand and my glasses in the other."Thanks..."I said taking the objects from him.He smiled and went back to his team.

Meanwhile Callie was lecturing me about what I should've did.

The Lushi Team:Dark TournamentWhere stories live. Discover now