Chapter 1

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"Fancy seeing you here cousin." Came a most familiar voice as Mia lifted the hood of her cloak.

The Cullens looked at her wide eyed.

"See! I told you she could not be trusted!" Bella yelled. "She's Volturi."

"You say as if that's a bad thing." Rosalie sneered.

"You knew about this?" Edward asked Rose in disgust. But he already knew her answer having read her thoughts, which were finally back to English.

"Of course, Jasper and I knew." Rosalie said.

Alice gasped and looked at Jasper, hurt. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"It wasn't my place to tell." He replied simply shrugging.

Edward noticed the Denalis standing there quietly and focuses on their thoughts. All their thoughts were in different languages. Al except Carmen.

Wow. She looks so different. Elezear was right. She has changed over the past few months.

"Wait. You all knew as well?" Edward questioned the Denalis.

The Cullens as well as Bella turned to them. The Denalis smiled guiltily.

Tanya sighed. "We've known about Mia and her connection to the Volturi for months now."

"Months?!?" Bella asked shocked. But that meant when-

"When I came to the Volturi requesting death, you were there?" Edward asked directly addressing Mia.


"What sort of family are you? We were so worried that day how could you let that happen to your sister. Even as a part of the guard you must have some influence. Seeing as, you're with the elite guard." Edward asked angrily.

"Pain." Jane said looking at Edward.

"NOO!! Bella yelled stepping forward only to be held back.

"He had no right to talk to mistress Mia like that." Alec said glaring at Edward.

"Mistress Mia?" Edward somehow got out.

Mia motioned for Jane to stop. "I am Caius Volturi's mate. Hence, the queen of Volturi." Mia said in one of the most authoritative and powerfully bold voice any of them had ever heard.

"And it was on her orders that you were spared that day." Demetri said.

"Leave it be. I want to go home." Mia said. But before turning back, she looked directly at Bella. "My fiancé would be interested to know that you're still human."

"You would force that upon your sister?" Edward asked.

"She is no sister of mine." Mia snarled. "And don't test your luck, it may run out. Aro will see my memories of here. The three kings won't be happy. You might just receive a surprise visit. Be prepared."

She then looked at the guard. "I want you with me as soon as possible."

Was the last thing she said before turning around walking away. The guard stayed and executed the last newborn left. With a final glare at the Cullens, they turned to the Hales. "Rosalie, Jasper I hope you know you can always find a home in Volterra." Jane said before turning around and leaving with the rest of the guard.

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