Chapter 9

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"She was so smug about this!" Bella nearly yelled after the Volturi left. "She was having the time of her life watching me upset."

"I bet she was. I know I was." Rosalie said without even looking up from her mobile.

"We can focus on that later." Carlisle said. "Right now the only thing we need to think about is that Aro has basically demanded Bella be changed within 2 months. And he made it clear that if she isn't changed then it will be a death sentence for her."

"Isn't there anything we can do?" Edward asked.

"I'm afraid there isn't. The Volturi made it very clear that we are in their bad book right now. We cannot afford to make the situation any worse for ourselves." Carlisle replied.

"All this because of this little human. I told you that she was trouble. I've been saying this since day one." Rosalia spat out. "Look where she's got us now. So many year. Decades we've been good allies of the Votluri. And now because of her, we are at a point where the Romans are their allies but the Cullens aren't!"

"Rosalie, you can't possibly be blaming it all on Bella." Edward started.

"But I am! And that is because she is the one to blame. She can do nothing but complain. She walked into this house knowing that she wail either be killed or changed. None of us here had a choice. She was given one. And she chose to throw her humanity away. And now, when it's time to change her and actually throw her humanity away, she's having doubts about when she wants to be changed. There's a list of experiences she wants as human. What's next? Children?" She said becoming venomous towards the end before she ran out.

"It's time to make a decision." Jasper said before he followed his 'twin'.

"Son, I don't think we have a choice here." Carlisle said. "I'm sorry Bella."

"Can't we just choose to not attend the wedding?" Bella asked.

"That is not an option." Emmett said. "All the vampires will be there. Each an every ally of the Volturi. If we don't go, we will practically be declaring ourselves the enemies of the Volturi. And that means execution."

This is exactly what she wanted! Bella thought. She wanted to make sure that I can't have the human experiences I want. She just wanted to shove her victory in my face. She always wins. It's time to break this habit of hers. I won't let her win this time.

Here another super short chapter. I'll update again soon. Hope you guys liked it. Do vote, comment, share and follow me if you aren't doing that already. Check out my other stories.

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