Chapter 1 - New Day

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Felix's (PewDiePie's) POV

Hey bro, my name's Felix Kjellberg. moved here a few years ago. I didnt expect how friendly these people are, really.  When I was in Gothenburg Primary the people were bitches. We moved over here in America because my dad got a pretty amazing job that makes us alot of money. So here I am. I've been here for about 4 years. I've met these kewl people that are my close friends. I have too many.  Hah I'm so popular. Nah.

I greeted with a loud alarm noise, as usual. I'm going to become deaf if it doesn't shut up. I get up, slamming the alarm clock. I took a glance at my computer. It's still on. I was up late last night trying to get this gameplay finished, and I'm so tired. I dont blame myself. Out of all the soft screams, finger work and editing I've done in the past few days, and I'll give all blames on myself. I twist my door nob and slowly hustle down the wooden stairs. Nobody's up, which is normal. I live like an hour away. I catch 4 busses and I cant be late. If I'm late for one, I'm late for all of them.  As I walk into the kitchen, I kick my toe on the wooden chair. "KNULLA!" I scream out, holding my foot and bouncing on the other. My mom comes out and looks down the stairs, her face looking like an undead zombie from Black Oops. I guess she was tired aswell. She sees me hopping, and wanders back into her room. What a bitch. But I am in Year 11, I shouldn't be worrying about this shit. But theres one side of me saying, "But it's bleeding!! It hurts!!" And another side saying, "Man up, you fucking woos." I limp towards the cabinet and open the door. I grab a box of cereal and shake it in the bowl. Closing the door, I stumble to the fridge. Opening the lid to the milk and pouring it, ignoring the expiration date. I start eating and ponder. "Is Sean and Mark dating? Will I find a girlfriend? Will a reach 1,00,000 subscribers one day?" I wonder. I finish and hurry back to my room. Clothes. I fucking forgot! Im so stupid. I scurry back out, grabbing my bag. It's all ready, thanks to my mom. I look at my phone. Its 6:28!! SKIT!! (Swedish for shit) I start running, sliding my phone into my pocket. I lose breathe. "God,, fuck me,, am I having bad luck all day??" I say, talking to myself. I see the bus stop. The fucking bus is already there. The bus puts its blinker on, as about to change lanes to go. I start to race to the bus. "NO!! WAIT!!" I scream. I step onto the bus steps, huffing and puffing. The sliding doors nearly got my back. I press my bus credit card onto the machine thingy. I sit down. "Oh, shit.." I mumble to myself, panting. I grab my phone and text Cry.
Pewdiepie: Hey bro u up?
Cryotic: Yeah why?
PewDiePie: Just made it on my shitty bus. I nearly missed it.
PewDiePie: So now I have someone to talk to while I wait!
Cryotic: What are you? Some yandere school girl?
PewDiePie: In fact I am.
PewDiePie sent a photo*
*There's a photo of  Felix making the "peace" sign, sticking his tounge out*
Cryotic: How much of a dork can u be?
PewDiePie: Uhm.. A big one?
Cryotic: Ha ok what do u want
PewDiePie: To talk!
Cryotic: About what you dick??!!
PewDiePie: Idk. School?
PewDiePie: What do you think about Sean and Mark having a crush on eachother?
Cryotic: Idk. They seem awkward but comfortable together. Im not sure.
Cryotic: Awe does baby need his bottle?
PewDiePie: Psh no. Just tell Mr Ziebell im late. Ok?
Cryotic: Ok crybaby.
PewDiePie: Fuck you.
Cryotic: Ha, yeah bye.
PewDiePie: Bye retard.

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