information // prologue

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hello everybody, just thought I would write a chapter explaining what the book is about, and other important things you should know before reading on.

ONE. I have not written all of the chapters myself, a couple I have and the majority have been submitted in by incredibly talented writers. At the end of each chapter you read, there will be a thank you from moi and also the link to any social media the person who wrote it is willing to promote. I will tag their wattpad name if they have one :)

TWO. As briefly mentioned in the description of this book - this is not a 'better' version of the next step. This is just a fan fiction. We've taken the characters; and given them interesting storylines that may be too...mature for the next step to show. Which is totally fine, but we're aware that many of tns viewers are older and can handle the sort of topics.

THREE. On that note, honestly if you find difficulty in reading about any of the following ; abuse, eating disorders, sexual harassment , rape , drug abuse/ alcohol abuse, mental health. Then please take caution in reading as this book does cover some sensitive subjects that advise reader awareness.
Of course, if you feel we are in any way making fun of something that you or a close family member/friend have gone through (we don't mean too, in all honestly) then the best thing to do is to contact me (tns.edit) personally explaining whatever you feel we are doing wrong, and we will fix it. It is not our intention to make you feel upset or annoyed, so please don't feel that way.

FOUR. If you are interested in writing a chapter along with our awesome team, please contact me (tns.edit on instagram) by sending me an instagram direct message, or a wattpad message - saying what character you would like to write as (unfortunately characters that have already been written will be assigned to one author) and an idea you have for their storyline. Try to make your storyline original & inventive. And ideally we would like it to take place from season one, and these are not one shots - the story links in together.

I think that is everything I wanted to say... please vote & comment as it really helps us know if you like it and what you want to see!

Lots of love, Hannah ❤️❤️❤️

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