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I just decided to make my other three fantribes open on all sites bcus it gets too complicated otherwise :')


Open fantribe number 1: HerbWings! Like the DropWings on Instagram, they are open, but PLEASE at least comment that you're making one haha. You don't need to say a name this time, because I don't feel like keeping track of a name list. You can if you want, though!


HerbWings are similar to RainWings in the sense that they don't enjoy combat. Due to lacking any natural, powerful weapons, this tribe did not participate in the Great War and mainly stayed on the sidelines. They're a peaceful, simple tribe that lives on the outskirts of the MudWing and RainWing kingdoms, keeping to themselves and only dealing with other tribes in times of need.

Their abilities consist of tough scales (they're more defensive than offensive) an incredible sense of smell, good hearing, and healing saliva. Each HerbWings can have a different kind of 'magical life spit', and the properties of said saliva depend on the dragon. It normally has the same affect as a plant (ex: a plant that soothes burns doesn't immediately heal something, but instead just helps it along) or other healing substance.

On occasion, there is an HerbWings with spit that has a more 'magical' property/healing ability, meaning that it's more powerful to the point that it can immediately heal something. This is very rare, though, and almost never happens.
HerbWings often carry elixirs and herbs around with them, for their spit only heals one kind of injury, and they have to be ready for anything.

Media is their queen, who is currently unnamed.

During the Great War, there was a time where Blister's SandWing forces attacked the HerbWings kingdom at its heart and tried to kidnap and enslave the HerbWings (so they could heal her troops). A MudWing battalion nearby saw, though, and stopped the attack. The HerbWings then allied themselves with the MudWings, which technically allied them with Burn. Their representatives would every now and then help out the MudWings and SkyWings during the war, but they never fought.


How to make an HerbWing: literally just draw it and tag me in it lol. Comment on this chapter, at least, if you want to make one.



HerbWings are normally greens, purples, and sometimes yellows. They're plant colors, pretty much, haha.
They often get tattoos and carry medical supplies with them. Have fun with their designs.

HerbWings are normally named after plants, types of trees, and things pertaining to health and nature.

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