Chapter 3

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“Serenity, are you awake yet?” Amy poked her head into my room.

“Yeah, I’m awake.” I mumbled into the pillow.

“Good, well breakfast is ready and we’re heading out in about an hour so I would suggest you get up.” She smiled.

“Five more minutes.” I rolled over to face the window and pulled the comforter over my head, successfully shutting out daylight. Amy laughed at the cliché line.

“Well, you’d better hurry, or Nick will pick out all your clothes. Trust me, he has awful fashion sense.”

I bolted up and picked up my clothes from the end of the bed, yanking on the same pair of dirty shorts from yesterday and an old t-shirt two sizes too big. I ran to the bathroom, brushed my hair and teeth, then ran out to meet Amy, who was waiting at my bedroom door.

“Ready?” she smirked.  I nodded and we went downstairs.

“Morning, sunshine!” Nick said over his shoulder while flipping the channel of the television.

“Morning!” I called as I rushed into the kitchen. I saw a stack of pancakes and grabbed one from the top, eating it like a slice of pizza. I was pleasantly surprised when I found chocolate chips inside.

“These are delicious, thank you!” I said around a mouthful of food to nobody in particular.

“Are you ready to go?”

“Almost, let me grab my phone and card. Be right back.” I ran upstairs and grabbed my things before we headed out. We left the town, as it had no big shopping mall, and headed over to Winchester, a city about a half hours’ drive away. We arrived at the mall and got out of the truck, then headed inside.

“Okay, so where do we go first?” asked Nick, looking the slightest bit uncomfortable in the crowded mall.

“Hot Topic!” I said immediately. “That’s where I like to get all my clothes.”

We found our way to the store and entered; I’m Not a Vampire was playing loudly from speakers in the ceiling, and there were racks of clothes everywhere. I almost jumped for joy; but I managed to contain myself. I walked straight over to the jeans and picked out a pair in every color, then went over to the shirts. After almost two hours in the store, I came out holding about ten bags full of clothes, makeup, accessories, and whatever else I felt like buying. Nick and Amy were holding about 3 bags each, while I held the rest.

“Alright, where to next, Serenity?” Nick asked when we sat down on a bench by the food court.

“Um… Journey’s, I need some shoes. And after that maybe we can go to Sbarro’s for lunch?” I suggested. I was already hungry, but I wanted to get the shopping out of the way.  At Journey’s I bought about eleven pairs of converse, then we headed to the food court, where we all ate lunch. Let me just say now that I love the pizza at Sbarro’s. Yum. After lunch we headed back home, where I washed and dried the clothes, then folded them and put them away in the dresser.

I ran around the room, putting up band posters and pictures, re-making my bed with a purple and black comforter and silver-grey sheets. After I was done organizing my room, I collapsed on the bed.

“Hey, Serenity, Nick and I are going over to the next town to visit a friend in the hospital. Do you want to come?” Amy called.

“Nah, I think I’ll head over to the library instead, if that’s alright.” I shouted.

“Okay, take a jacket, it’s supposed to rain.” I heard the front door open and close, then the sound of the truck pulling out of the driveway. I changed into a black V-neck, black jeans, and black converse. Before running downstairs, I fixed my hair up a bit by teasing it, and grabbed my jacket, phone, and wallet. Outside the clouds ruled over the sky, there was no chance of sun. I walked down the streets, passing the houses where I had previously seen children playing in the yard. I followed my memory to the main street of the town, then crossed and walked up the grass to the library, instead of going all the way around the sidewalk. The library was huge, maybe three stories tall, a tannish brown color with lots of windows. It looked like my kind of library.

Walking up the parking lot, I noticed that there weren’t many cars; maybe three or four. I entered the library and walked down the short hall to the main door, where I stepped through to be met by warmth and the smell of coffee and cookies. On my left was the main desk, where an old lady with a grey bun on top of her head sat at her computer, typing away.

“Hi, I wanted to sign up for a library card.”

“Alright, you're going to have to fill out this form for me, sweety.” She handed me a small packet and a pen.

“Thanks.” I smiled and went to sit in a chair near the reading area. The library was completely empty, save me and the old woman at the desk. I filled out the form and walked back up to the desk.

“Here you go, ma’am.” I smiled.

“Thank you, and do you have an ID that I can use for the picture?” I handed her my card and she went to the scanner and did a few things on her computer. A card printed out in the card printer. She handed me my id and the new card.

“Alright, hon, you're all set.” She smiled kindly at me.

“Thank you.” I walked away from the front desk and headed across the room to the teens section, where I proceeded to browse through the books. I saw so many; I just wanted to check out the whole damn shelf. Suddenly, I felt a burst of cold air hit me. I looked over to see—oh my god. 

Haha! My first cliffhanger! (I think) Tell me if you like it, or if you don't. Vote, comment, fan. All that crap. DO IT! DO IT NOW!!! :D

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