1 (POV: Kira)

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It was night and I was over at my best friends house. Yara and I had been friends since elementary school and we are still very close, even in 5th grade of high school. She lives in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by woods, but that doesn't make her house less cosy or welcoming. I love coming over. Her family is also so much warmer then mine would ever be. So we were talking about the bitches at school when there was a sudden movement outside the window in the woods as if something huge just ran past.
"Yo Yara, did you see that?" I asked, staring outside. It felt like something was staring back. Something in there, in those woods, was calling me.
"...ira, Kira, are you okay?"
All at once, I woke up from my trance.
"O-oh yeah I'm fine, but did you see that... thing earlier?"
"Yeah. It freaked me out too. What do you think it was?"
"I don't know, but I want to find out. Don't you?", I said as I got up.
"What?! You want to go out now? In the fucking dark? Are you crazy?"
As I walked over to the entrance, I responded: "Didn't you know yet? " with a smirk.
I pulled my black leather jacket over my hoodie, pulled my old Doc Martens on and grabbed my phone, to use it as a flashlight. Yara still sat on the ground, looking at me like I had gone nuts.
"Come on, don't you want to meet that sexy werewolf of your dreams?" I joked as I tried to persuade her.
She grinned and said: "Fine, but if we get murdered it's your fault."
"Oh don't be such a buzzkill, that's my job."
"I will come back from the dead and haunt you.", Yara said, trying to threaten me when she pulled her coat on.
"Sure, you'll make a very scary ghost.", I said sarcastically as we walked outside.
We kept on bickering until we were in the woods. There we fell silent as we walked further on the path, jumping at each sound. I tried to not make my slight nervousness obvious.
"Did I seriously have to mention murder just before we went outside?" Yara muttered, after getting a mini heart attack from a tiny animal in the bushes.
I just nodded as we continued.
As we got deeper and deeper into the woods, we got more and more scared. Even the wind through the branches made us jump. We clung to each other as if our lives depended on it.
Then my phone died.
And on top of that, we got lost.
"Oh, fuck.", I said when I looked around and realised that we got off the path.
"What, 'oh, fuck'? Why did you have to come out here? This is so not necessary.  We could've watched movies instead of doing this.", Yara all at once snapped at me.
"What do you mean 'you'? You came out here too, you know. I didn't force you.", I snapped back, as I pulled my arm out of her grip, "I'm not dealing with you if you're gonna be like this." 

I don't want to get too heated because I don't know what kind of shit I would say once angry. Same counts for her, to be honest. It's just that she bottles her anger until it makes her explode into a shitstorm, while I just do and say without thinking. So, I ran off, without thinking about it. Soon enough I got even more lost than before, and I bet that Yara didn't do much better on her own. Somewhere far away I heard her call for me,and I started going towards her voice because it was probably better to get back to her before something else does. Eventually, I couldn't hear her calls anymore. And then that guttural fear kicked in again. I looked back at the littlest of sounds, paranoid as I was. After some time, I ended up at a big open space where one big hairy silhouette was sitting.
Whow, what is that?... I squinted to try to make out and slowly the hairy blob became a bigass wolf.
I stood still as I watched it, I didn't dare to make a sound. But in my head, I was screaming.
What am I supposed to do in this sitution?
Then he heaved his head and he sniffed the air.
Uh oh. That can't good.
He looked at me and all at once I felt cold. Shivers went down my spine.
He stared at me with his dark eyes, barely visible in the dark.
We looked at each other for a few moments.
But then a guy appeared holding Yara's arm.

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