4 (POV: Yara)

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I curled up against Nathan as we were laying on the grass. He planted a soft kiss on my hair. His chest was an incredibly soft cushion and he warmed my body with his. I enjoyed this moment of utter peace and just laid there, staring with him at the starry night.

I woke up the next morning confused as fuck

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I woke up the next morning confused as fuck. Why did I dream about a stranger?
Kira looked over at me, as she awake too, and said: "You look like shit." Goodmorning to you too.
Well she didn't look much better, with the bags under her eyes and I told her that. She just shrugged as she stretched and got up to go make some coffee. She asked if I wanted some too as we went downstairs.
"Yes pah-lease."

I flopped down in the couch as Kira went in the open kitchen that was connected to the living room

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I flopped down in the couch as Kira went in the open kitchen that was connected to the living room.
"Did you also dream something weird last night ?" She asked as she gave me my favourite Game of Thrones cup with a café latte in.
"You added two sugars?" I asked, pointing at my mug. Kira nodded, before drinking from her iced latte. She always drinks her coffee cold.
"Uhm, to come back to your question, yeah. I did have a very very weird dream. I did romantic stuff with Nathan." I answered her question.
"Who?" Kira asked, who apparently blanked out.
"My kidnapper from last night, whom you hit in the face."
"Ah yes, the guy who looks like a supermodel, right?"
"Yes, that guy. What did you dream about?"
"StufksjsjskiswithkdodvfAres." she mumbled in her mason jar.
"I did stuff with Ares. The black haired dude."
"Mmmhmm." she hummed into her jar again, agreeing with me on the fact that our dreams were not okay.
"What's wrong with us?"
"I don't know. We're dreaming about snogging dudes we don't even know."
A (stupid) idea popped in my mind and I just blurted it out.
"We could go back tonight, and then socialise so we get to know them."
Kira almost spit her coffee out.
"Oh my goodness. That's so stupid and good at the same time that I don't know what to say."
"Then we just go, right?"
"I guess."
We spend the rest of the day just hanging around, not being able to think about much else. We did force ourselves to at least do our homework for the next week after this short leave, and then we decided to also try and make some spaghetti to make time pass. We waited until the sun set to actually go out again.
"I still can't fucking believe that we are doing this shit." Kira cursed as she tripped over a root.
I shushed her as we approached the open space where we had met the two boys. We saw that they were standing there in human form, apparently waiting for something. A lit candle lantern hung from one of the tree branches. That's so cute. All at once one of them sniffed the air and said something to the other one.
"I think they know we're here." I whispered. Kira nodded in response and we walked into the open.
"Hi." I said when we stood opposite the guys.
They just stared at us like we were aliens and just got out of a big metallic saucer.
"What are you doing here?" Ares asked.
As we obviously didn't want to answer that it was because of weird ass dreams, I did not know what to say. But Kira, the master of its-kinda-a-lie-but-also-kinda-the-truth, said: "Well we thought that you guys seemed chill, so we came back to be friends.".
Not sure if they bought it, because they were just like "Oh. " but said nothing else about it.
Then an awkward silence fell as no one knew what to say, and we just stared at each other.
Then Nathan blurted: "I like your hair." and he blushed in a cute way.
I blushed too, and was dumbfounded. Why would he like it? Selena reminded me enough times that it was ugly. And it was just in a ponytail.
Kira snorted as I and Nathan looked away from each other, both clearly embarrassed by what he had said.
Kira asked what their hobbies were, if they had any, while not looking at him. Nathan looked relieved that someone had started another conversation. We came to know that the boys were very close and because they were cut off from society they have to steal food and clothes and waterproof backpacks. He once stole an old, out of use camera to take pictures, since he wanted to be a photographer, but that became impossible because he's a werewolf. And Ares stole painting stuff, because he likes to make art. They can choose when to become a wolf, but at full moon they experience uncontrollable bloodlust. Normally they just patrol to keep other, less friendly werewolves out, so the people of the village would never get in danger and the day before the full moon they travel to the other side of the woods, so they can't reach the town before dawn strikes. We told them what our passions were. We both loved reading, Kira loved to fight and I loved to garden and that we were just normal girls. We talked for hours and when Kira yawned loudly and basically everyone followed we decided that it was best to go to sleep.

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