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"Goodbye Kansas City!"

Thank god, I think.

Time to go home and cuddle with my teddy bear and have a rest. I run backstage and quickly change clothes.. Damn Kansas City is hot, We're all sweaty and smell gross.

As we get into the back of the car, Harry sits next to me putting  his hand on my shoulder. "You okay, love?" He whispers in my ear, sensing my stress.

I nod my head, facing him saying, "Just need some rest." He nods at my response, "Alright love."

When I get into my Hotel room, I grab some water and chug it, needing some liquid in my body.

I take a quick, cold shower to rinse all the dirt and sweat off my body before heading to bed.

I whimper as I look at my teddy bear, needing its comfort. I reach over to grab it and hold it close, still sitting up, and close my eyes. I breath in the scent of my teddy while stress leaves me.


I whisper to my teddy, only he can hear it, he understands my pain.

"Once upon a time, a little boy named Lou found a friend named Ted who helped Lou with his stress and anxiety. They lived happily ever after with Lou's boyfriend Haz.. The end!"

I chuckled at his story, hoping this would be true for Harry and I, but most likely not.

I lay down while keeping a grip on the Teddy, I mutter under my breath, "nap time!"

And I fell asleep dreaming about Harry and my Ted skipping down a street filled with trees and animals.

I woke up to the sound of a knock and a muffled voice. "Louis, babe? You there?" Several knocks later I reached the door.

"Hello Lou!" Harry gave me a small hug, "Ready to leave?" He rose an eyebrow at me, knowing I wasn't ready. "Fuck.." I said, rushing to the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair. "I'll grab your bags and put them in the car, K?"

"K Hazzy." As I finished my morning routine, I heard Harry leave my room. I sighed as I put my toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, and face wash into a plastic bag. I pulled on the outfit Harry left out for me, and tied my shoes. Grabbing the last bag and my glasses, I left, Harry must've put my teddy in one of my bags for me, I love him.

I slowly walked down the hall and into the elevator, a body guard going with me. We slowly made our way down to the main floor, out the doors, and into the vehicle.

3 snacks, 2 hours, and a nap later, we reached the private airport. I grow anxious as I remember my teddy, I look over to Harry where he's sat down in the front of the car, I sitting right behind him.

"Haz." I whisper in his ear so only he can hear me, "Yes?" Harry replied with the same tone. " 'Id you.. put my teddy in one a' my bags?" I say quietly.

I see a slight smile grow on Harry's face. "Yes love." I gave him a peck on the cheek murmuring, "Thank you!"

Harry nods and stumbles out of the car as well as the other boys and I, Liam helping the other lads and I to get all the bags out.

We make our way up to the port getting all the bags up into the private airplane to leave.

We all hurry to our seats, I sitting next to Harry, and buckle up to take off. I snuggle up into Harry as we soar through the air, his arm wrapped around me.

I breath in his scent as I drifted off into a peaceful rest.


I woke up to kisses being placed on my right shoulder, I smiled when I saw Harry.

He looked up, "Hi love, nice nap?" "Yeah" I replied with a soft voice. "That's good, we're here so.. get up and meet us outside the port? We're going to get Nando's before going to some interviews, and then tomorrow we have a concert... so yeah."

Harry placed his last kiss on my lips and left. Not 2 seconds later I was outside with all my bags.

We zoom down the road with all our bags heading to Nando's for lunch, I'm fucking starving. As we're driving, I lay my head on Harry's shoulder and hold his hand, still tired from my nap on the plane.

Harry's soothing heartbeat and soft hand in mine really soothes me. His touches make me tremble, I've never felt so... small before since I've been with him. But I like it, it's relaxing somehow.

This explains the teddy bear, I'm not really sure what it is, but it's comforting, like a child needs his dummy.. or something rather.

It feels nice to be in someone's arms, or holding something soft and fuzzy. It even feels nice just to act innocent, watch a Disney movie instead of dumb scary movies the boys sometimes like to watch.

Harry's voice breaks me out of my thoughts, "love?" Looking up at him to continue, "After the interviews would you like to go see Zootopia? I heard it's good.. even thought it's a children's movie, but it's fine, I know you like those kind of shows."

I blush at Harry's words, I did want to go see that movie with Harry by my side holding me as I hold my teddy bear. I sigh as I nod, smiling up at my loving boyfriend.

Harry stares back at me, a glint in his eye that I just couldn't figure out. We were already at Nando's, and Niall was jumping out of his seat excitedly.

"Yes yes!!!! Food food food!! COME ON GUYS FOOOOOD!" Niall screams as he runs out of the car into the restaurant, everyone still in the car laughing, Paul running after Niall.


Sorry I haven't updated, really busy with school... And Procrastinating cause this is one of my first books and I need ideas... message me for ideas for the next chapter... I'm a fan of long chapters. 

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