A familiar face

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(Your POV)

"Jonathan it's been two days. Two whole days! They still haven't been back yet! We have to go find them!" I exclaim. He sets down the stack of firewood near the fire and looks at me.

"(Y/N), they're fine. I bet that they're one there back way now." He says. Putting a couple of logs into the fire. I hug the blanket closer to me before bringing my legs up and crossing them.

"But seriously two days? TWO FUCKING DAYS THEY HAVE BEEN GONE!" I say, my voice getting louder. He brings a hand up to his mask and dramatically sighs while he shakes his head.

"Fine, you want to go search for them RIGHT NOW? (Y/N), the sun is setting here soon and it's going to get dark out." He says. I cross my arms, he sighs again.

"Get in the car. I have to get some things before we can actually go." He says, putting out the fire with the water bottle next to me. I get up, keeping the blanket still wrapped around me and walk to the car.

Jonathan walks to the car carrying two bags and a couple of our guns. He puts them in the trunk before getting into the drivers seat and starting the car.

"Why did you bring all of that? (AUTHORS NOTE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STORY!!! IF ANYONE WATCHES THE WALKING DEAD I AM LEGIT JUST BAWLING RIGHT NOW! I TOLD YOU GUYS I WRITE DURING THE SHOW! I'M SORY I'LL WRITE!) Aren't we going to be gone for a couple hours?" I ask him. He pulls out of the driveway and starts down the road.

     "No, you wanted to go look for them and I packed and carried as much as I could." He says. I watch as his hands tighten around the steering wheel. I sigh and sit back in my seat, looking out my window.

     "We.... we can go in the morning if you want. If that'll make you happy." I say. Maybe he'll turn around, clearly he wants to be back at the house right now. He completely ignores me and continues to drive. I shift in my seat, this is going to be a long drive.

     He stops at a four way intersection and looks at me.

     "You wanna pick the way to go? We go a couple miles the way that you pick, turn back and come back here to go in another direction." He says. I look left then right then finally straight. I shrug my shoulders before pointing left.

     "I just want to find them, have to start somewhere right?" I ask. A smile comes across both of our faces. He turns left and starts to drive again.

     "So, why exactly did Hope storm out on Craig? Did they break up or something?" He asks. I shrug my shoulders, I know exactly why she did. Hope told me the day before she walked out on what was going on with her and Craig.

     "I don't know. I guess Hope just needed a breather and walked out on Craig." I say. He looks at me confused before looking back at the road.

     "More like stormed out. Isn't she bipolar or something along those lines? I remember her saying something about it to us before." He says. I sink down in my seat a little and nod my head.

     "Why do you think she was bullied in high school? Why do you think her parents didn't love her? When she told me that she was dating Craig I was happy as can be, then something came to my mind. I thought one of his friends might've paid him to date her. When I met you guys I thought it was one of you. During high school a guy, I'm sorry a dick by the name of Zack asked Hope out because his buddies dared him to. The next day he straight up told Hope to her face that no one will ever love her because she's, and I quote, 'a fucking autistic girl who's parents don't even love her'." I say. I feel my eyes get heavy but I ignore the feeling. From the corner of my eye I watch his shoulders drop.

     "I'm sorry, I.... never knew.... exactly HOW bad her live was." He says. I look away from him and stare out the window again.

     We drove in silence for a couple of minutes till Jonathan was holding the steering wheel, trying to gain control of it again while we where spinning out of control. The car stops spinning and we where facing towards the woods. I start to frantically look around till I see a couple of people with mask over their heads, walk to the car. They open both of our doors, the one at mine starts to shake his head at me.

     "Damn, what a shame. What a shame indeed." He says to me before hitting me upside the head with the butt of his gun. I was instantly out cold.

     I open my eyes and complete black was all around me. I try to move my arms but they where tied behind my back. A couple of people start to laugh and the blackness went away. I start to look around the brightly lit room to see where exactly I am. I see a girl with brown hair with a guy around Evans age with a small girl between the two of them to my far left. A guy walks up to them and my heart drops.

     "Name." He states to the girl. She keeps her head down.

"NAME!" He yells at her. She starts to cry and looks up at him.

"HOLLY!" She yells to him. He starts to laugh.

"Well my name is Eddy. Eddy Holland, not like the last name matters or anything." He says still laughing. A guy walks up to him and hands him a drill. My heart stops this time. "It was a nice talk that we had Holly. Sorry it was our last one. I bet that you are a very nice girl. But, I guess we'll never know." He says.

     He puts the drill to her head and I hear it start to go off. Her screams start to fill the building before quickly stopping. The little girl starts to cry and Eddy looks at her.

     "Do you want to be next sweetie?" He asks. The girl stops crying for a second and shakes her head no. He gives her a smile and goes back to drilling. The little girl goes back to crying.

     I look at the ground and try to catch my breath. I look up and see Jonathan in front of me, his mask off and fresh cuts all over his face. He looks at the ground, not even acknowledging my presence. I look back at the ground as well, I have to think of of something. Something to get us out of here

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