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(Hopes POV)

I begin to weave the small flowers together as (Y/N) continues to look at the ground.

"How do you do it?" She asks me as she looks up. I look up from the flowers and smile.

     "Well first you have to gather a bunch of flowers and then you just-" she starts to laugh and shakes her head.

     "That's not what I meant looser. I mean... how do you do it? How do you stay so calm and everything when you know that Brian and Craig are practically plotting each other's death in their head?" She asks me, getting serious again. I set the flowers down on my lap and set my head on my now propped up hand.

"You just have to go on with your life. You just have to accept the fact that things will never go back to how they used to be." I say. The front door opens and out walks Jonathan along with Craig. (Y/N) looks up and glances at Jonathan before looking back st the ground.

"Evan kissed me last night and fucking told me how when he first met me how it was love and first sight before telling me that he's in love with me." She says quietly. I stare at her as Craig sits down next to me and Jonathan next to her. Craig snakes his arm around me and pulls me close to him before setting me in his lap and starting to hug me.

     "I can see Craig is being over protective over there." (Y/N) says, a small smile coming to her face. Craig nods his head.

     "Gotta make up for lost time you know." He says as he sets his chin on top of my head.

     Jonathan grabs (Y/N)'s hand and stares at Craig and I. A smile of his own on his face. We stayed like this for a couple of minutes till (Y/N) finally let go off Jonathan's grip and stood up, starting to dust herself off.

     "I have to take a piss. Hope come with me." She says looking at me.

Craig sighs and takes his head off of on top of mine and let's go of the hug. I get up and start to dust myself off as well before Craig smacked my ass. I quickly turn to look at him while he's starting to laugh.

"There got the dirt all off of you now." He says. I glare at him while he continues to laugh.

"Just be thankful that (Y/N) and Jonathan are here right now. I would've punched you so hard you would be in a coma for a year." I say. That's when he stopped laughing. "I love you Craig." I say starting to smile a little. I look back at (Y/N) now.

"Okay lead the way." I say. She starts to laugh before starting to walk.

As we walk towards the back of the house Brian was splitting wood near the wood pit. I accidentally walked into (Y/N) while I was watching Brian. He caught sight of me and shot a smile in my direction.

     "In the woods lets go." She says. I know that she doe doesn't have to take a piss considering she literally just went before we went outside to talk with one another.

     After a couple minutes of walking she finally stops and leans her head against a tree.

     "I don't know what to do to be honest. I.... I seriously have no clue on what to do." She says looking at me. I cross my arms.

     "You have to be more specific (Y/N) if you want me to help you." I say. She sighs and takes her head off of the tree.

     "I mean I have feelings for both Evan and Jonathan while they both have feelings for me along with Cole! What the hell do I even do in this situation?!" She exclaims. Even though I was in the same situation I don't know how to help her. I have to try my best, she wants advice and I have to give it to her.

     "(Y/N), yeah I was in the same situation but Craig and I were.... I guess you can say still together. All I can say is go with who you think will make you happy and who will treat you the right way. Not what they others think or what Jonathan or Evan or even Cole thinks. Go with who (Y/N) wants and who (Y/N) thinks." I say. She smiles at me and nods her head. "But in my opinion I think you should be together with Evan. But that's just me." I say. She starts to laugh and shakes her head. She quickly became quiet and now stared at the ground.

"But that's the thing. I don't know what my gut wants. I don't know exactly "who I want to be with." It always seems like one guy's better then the other one day and the next the other is." She says. "I mean I may be with Jonathan..... well, at least I think I am..... anyways if I AM then I'm not so sure I want to be with him. One day he wants to cuddle with me and the next it seems like wants take over as the leader." She says.

We hear a twig snap followed by a couple leaves break as well. (Y/N) and I both take out our pistols and start to frantically look around the area. I finally see Morgan slowly walk from behind a tree about 10 feet from us. We both lower our guns and sigh.

"Morgan what are you doing back here?" I ask her. She looks down at her doll and holds it up for me to see.

"Uncle Brian said I can play with it out here." She says. I nod my head and look back at (Y/N).

"For the next couple of days list all the possible pros and cons about each of the guys. It should help with a lot. And then it's up to you who you pick." I say. She nods her head and gives me a smile.

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