Chapter 11

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It was dark before Jak and Jared saw the faint glow of light from the campfires flickering through the trees. According to Motaka this should be the place they were seeking, the length of the ride and the location appeared to be correct. They climbed down from their horses and tied them to a fallen log then made their way quietly through the brush toward the fires. A sliver of moon peeped from behind black clouds and light breeze brought the smell of smoke and cooking food to their noses. Jared stomach growled loudly and he flushed red in the dark, apologizing.

"I'm hungry too, friend, let's hope their not pirates." He halted quickly and pulled Jared down beside him. "I hear men's voices. Listen." He turned his head and concentrated on the sound. "Wait here, I'm going to crawl closer. If there's any trouble, get back to the horses and get out."


"No buts. Just do as I say." He gave the boy a reassuring squeeze on the arm and set off.

Jared watched him creep through the scrub until he disappeared in the darkness. He didn't like waiting alone. He didn't like not even knowing what they were doing there except to find some woman. What if something happened to Jak? He wouldn't know what to do except go back home somehow, and that would be an adventure, going overland in strange, hostile territory. He could go back to Kysoo. Her image suddenly filled his mind and he felt comforting warmth thinking about the delicately beautiful young woman.

"Gaspar would have slit your throat and had your ears for ornaments." The harsh whisper startled him but a firm hand over his mouth cut off his response. How long had he been dreaming? He never even heard Jak return. "I'm glad my safety didn't depend on your vigilance."

Jared felt his face heat and he pulled his head away angrily. "Maybe if you trusted me to know why we are seeking this woman I could show a greater interest."

Jak nodded. "When I think it's appropriate. Meanwhile, the voices are from a few old men tending some goats. I think this is the place we're looking for but I don't want to enter in the dark; who knows what kind of reception we might get. We'll move over into those trees and spend the night."

Without replying, Jared stood and retrieved his horse, leading it quietly away toward the trees.


Morning arrived with a chilling dampness. Jared awoke to find Jak sitting across from him, chewing on a piece of cold meat.

"Sleep well?"

"Well enough." Jared gathered his gear and packed it away on his horse.

"I've fed them already and if you like, there's some meat here to share."

Jared looked toward the settlement and up at the dull sky. "Maybe we should go now in case it rains again."

Jak nodded. "If you like." He put away the rest of the meat and untied his horse. "I think we should walk in, it might look less threatening."

Droplets of rain began falling just as they entered the clearing where they had seen the fire the previous night. A small goat tied to a stake began bleating and within moments, several figures seemed to appear from the hillside.

"Their dwellings are cut into the side of the hill," Jak whispered. "No wonder we couldn't see anything last night."

A tall, austere looking man stepped forward, a long staff held at a casual tilt toward the two strangers. "Greetings," he called cautiously. "I am Hamus, the village prefect, may I ask your business?"

"Greetings to you, Hamus. I am Captain Jak Staff of Terrault; this is my companion, Jared Croft. We have come a great distance seeking a woman who came here many years ago with a baby, seeking refuge." He paused, as a low muttering began among the small group behind Hamus. "The child is of royal blood and heir to the throne of Dramin. It is our task to see the lad back to his rightful place."

Hamus seemed to stagger slightly at the news; his staff point dropped to the ground and his face became pale. The group moved forward, surrounding the prefect and they huddled noisily, periodically casting fearful looks back at the two strangers. Finally, the huddle broke and Hamus waved for the men to follow him, indicating that they leave their horses with one of the villagers.

He led them into one of the hillside dwellings, stepping aside as they entered and pointing to a blanket on the floor. The interior was surprisingly large, clean and quite nicely furnished. A round tube extended from the top of the fireplace up through a ceiling, lined with skins held in place by a lattice of saplings, to carry away the smoke. Several bright lanterns filled the area with a pleasantly warm glow and in that glow stood a tall, handsome woman with a crown of silvering hair, her arms folded comfortably around a colourful shawl.

Hamus broke the silence by introducing the woman. "May I present Hannah Croft, wife of Wissam and... her son... Jared..." A young man stepped forward from the shadows and stood by his mother.

Jak heard the sharp intake of Jared's breath as the introduction was made and gripped his arm, acknowledging the introduction. "We are profoundly pleased to meet you Hannah Croft... and your son. I am Captain Jak Staff of Terrault and this is- is Jared Croft."

Hannah made a small cry and her hand flew to her mouth seeking her son with the other as she staggered slightly. "I- I never thought- I never dreamed..." She came forward, placing a gentle hand on Jared's cheek, pulling back as he jerked free from Jak's grip, shaking his head angrily. "It is as I feared, my husband is dead." Her voice trailed away with a quiver.

"What chicanery is this, why do you call him Jared? How do you have my name and that of my family?"

Regaining her composure, Hannah implored the group to calm their emotions and join her at the large table in the centre of the room for some refreshment and an explanation. Hannah's son fetched mugs from a cupboard and a large pitcher of wildberry wine, giving Jared a wide berth as he carried them to the table.

"Please, please sit and let me explain." Hannah held a hand out to Jared who reluctantly allowed Jak to steer him to a chair at the table. "Pour the wine, Jar- son." She bit her lip and waited while the mugs were passed around. "To begin," she said nervously, relating in detail the events surrounding the Winter War between Moraine and Dramin.

"When my husband told me of the king's request, I feared for the life of my child who was destined to be left behind." She slid her eyes toward her son. "Wissom decided that a ruse would work as well as following the king's command to the letter. We decided to send me away with our real son, leaving Wyeth-that's your real name-with another family in the village, pretending that you were our child. Apparently it worked as you are here now, and unharmed."

Jak looked at his friend and blew out a loud breath. "It is a certain shock to discover I have been traveling with royalty." He smiled and raised his mug in a toast.

Jared just stared at the woman, breathing heavily through his nose and straining to keep the tears forming in his eyes from streaming down his face.

"I understand your confusion and anger," Hannah said kindly, reaching a hand across the table. "But can you find it in your heart to understand the decision I had to make then... Jared was my son, my flesh and blood I- we- we could not leave him."

"My whole life has been a lie," Jared choked, pushing away from the table and rushing out of the dwelling.

"Jar- Wyeth, wait-" Jak began to rise but Hannah pleaded for him to stay.

"He needs some time alone, time to think and hopefully understand. Leave him for now. We will be alerted if he starts to leave."

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