Chapter 3

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Rebecca and Kat had gotten back to Rebecca’s apartment around eight and had started watching romantic comedies. Liam hadn’t come back yet and it was pushing midnight, Rebecca tried not to worry. She knew that he was perfectly fine, most likely just out with some tramp. The thought kind of made her wish he was laying in a hospital somewhere, she instantly regretted thinking such a thing. It was mean and uncalled for. Kat yawned clearly bored because let’s face it 27 Dresses wasn’t that funny of a movie or that entertaining. The door to the apartment opened slowly.



“Have fun with your whore,” Kat asked suddenly, knowing it was Liam.



“If by whore you mean Adam, then yes. The Ice Hawks won,” he stated happily.



A smile spread across Rebecca’s face, maybe he really did go to the game after all. Maybe she had nothing at all to worry about. Kat shrugged and her friend knew without looking that Liam was glaring daggers into the back of Kat’s head. He hated her sarcastic attitude when it was directed at him. Rebecca found it kind of funny.



Kat turned her head to look at him ready to throw back another witty comment but instead she just stared openly at him in… amazement. A laugh fell from her friend lips bubbling up form the young woman’s chest.



“What is that,” Kat laughed, referring to Liam’s “man-bag”.



Liam rolled his eyes not giving Kat a reply. The “man-bag” was Liam’s laptop bag; he was a photographer and needed the laptop to upload his picture onto his website. However, as Rebecca had tried to explain to him it looked more like a purse then a laptop carrier. So he started referring to it as his “man-bag”. Kat got up off the couch to further inspect the bag, which only seemed to irritated Liam more. Liam pulled the bag away as Kat reached for it.



“Let me see your purse,” she laughed.



“It’s not a purse,” he defended, loudly still not letting her get a good look at it.



The two ran around the couch fighting over the bag as Rebecca laughed. This was better then any movie she thought. Kat ended the chase by jumping onto the couch then onto Liam who was standing behind the couch. There was a small scuffle then the sound of Kat cheering as she jumped up from the floor and back over the couch. She inspected the bag as Liam groaned in frustration. Once satisfied she tossed it back to him.



“That was so made for a woman,” Kat pointed out laughing.



Shockingly but not surprisingly Liam hit her with the bag, not hard enough to hurt but enough to get his point across. He smiled triumphantly as Kats mouth dropped open. She gave Rebecca a disbelieving look. Her golden haired friend shrugged at her disbelief.

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