[008] promise!

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l u c a sAfter the whole incident with Sienna and a couple of dickheads, we drove back to her place

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l u c a s
After the whole incident with Sienna and a couple of dickheads, we drove back to her place. That's when a phone rang. I looked over at the brunette but she shook her head meaning it wasn't her's. I pulled over into one of gas stations and picked up the phone tapping the green button.

"Hello?" I answered as I put the car in park.

"Lucas." My heart stopped.

"Maya." A small smile formed on my lips as I realized who it was.

"I just wanted to call and tell you I'm okay." Her voice cracked and it made my stomach turn. I knew she was upset but I didn't she would be crying.

"Please. Maya. Come on." I whispered into the phone as I looked over at Sienna who gave me a pleading look.

"Lucas I need time to cool off." I sighed at her words.

"Where are you? Can you at least tell me that? Are you at your parents house?" I asked bitting down on my bottom lip.

"I'm fine. That's all you need to know. I'll be home some time this week. I just can't be around you right now. Until you realize those girls aren't good for you." I frowned at her last sentence.

"Maya, you are not my mother." I snickered as I looked back at Sienna who was on her phone.

"What if I told you that Josh still has feelings for me?" I clenched onto the steering wheel harder than before. I slowly released as a small sigh escaped my lips. "Exactly."

"They don't have feelings for me." I mumbled and this caught Sienna's attention. She shook her head and mouthed 'not at all.' A small chuckle escaped my lips as I nudged her on the shoulder.

"I don't know, Lucas. Just be careful. I love you. So damn much."

"I love you too."

"Say it again." I could hear her inhale sharply.

"I love you, Maya Hart."

"Thank you." She whispered as hung up. A small smile made its way on my lips as I turned the car on. We were gonna be okay.

"Why does she think we have feelings for you?" Sienna asked as I drove out the gas station. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I mean- Astrid, maybe, but me?" She laughed and I glanced over at her.

"Astrid told you she has feelings for me?" I furrowed my eyebrows as I stopped at a stop sign.

"It doesn't really matter." And I gave her a look. "Fine. Astrid maybe told me she still had feelings for you, but she knows you and Maya. After the whole slap thing.. I think she was thinking of kissing you."

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