The Worker's Silence

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  Since that exchange between Edgar and her, (f/n) couldn't quite comprehend what had happened. Well, she could, but her mind was in shambles. She hadn't even voiced her like of his action, yet he could decipher her stuttering so easily. Maybe her jumbled words had given her position away, but he didn't have to reply with that answer. Moreover, did that mean that he liked her as more than a coworker? If so, she wouldn't mind; she had developed a fondness for his company. Frankly, she hadn't expected such feelings to come into existence only after knowing him for a little over a week. It was quite nice, though, that he had disappeared for the following seven days. Granted, his absence was odd as well.

(F/n) didn't know the reasons for his vanishing, but she could only assume that it had something to do with work or family. Still, his absence gave her time to set her mind straight. She needed a break from his teasing and confusing antics. When he returned, she wouldn't say anything on the matter until he brought it up. The (h/c)-haired girl couldn't let him control her emotions so easily. Thus, he would have to settle the situation he started.

When evening came around on the seventh day, she restocked the shelves before closing the store and going home. It didn't take too long to get home, just the usual ten to fifteen minute walk. Once inside her apartment, she locked the door behind her and set down her bag. She proceeded to head into her kitchen to get her dinner for the night, which she was looking quite forward to. Still, she didn't want to make anything too complicated, since she wasn't in the mood for such cooking. With this in mind, the perfect solution was to warm up some pizza in the microwave. Just thinking about the gooey cheese and spicy slices of pepperoni made her mouth water.

Thus, she took no more time in preparing the said meal. Once it finished in the microwave, she headed into her living room to watch some cartoons for the night. As the show she was watching progressed, she practically froze in place when the next scene occurred. Pizza slice close to her lips, her mouth hung open slightly, as her eyes widened.

Currently, the two main characters were in a coffee shop, and some coffee had dribbled out of the girl's mouth because she tilted the cup back too fast. Following this, the guy picked up his napkin and wiped the beverage from her lips. Of all the things that could happen, why that? Was this show personally trying to tease her? Well obviously that wasn't the case, but it was annoyingly similar to what happened between Edgar and her. She could already feel the heat rise to her cheeks, and she wasted no time in setting down her food to change the channel.

Thankfully, nothing of the sort happened again that evening. Thus, she recovered from the content of that show and enjoyed the rest of her dinner. During all of this, however, she didn't happen to notice the individual outside her apartment. Sitting on a black leather seat in the back of a Lincoln Town Car, Edgar stared out of the tinted window at her living room window. He couldn't see her silhouette from where he was sitting, but he knew she was in due to the light being on. A small smile decorated his lips, as he ran his thumbs across the fur of a newly made teddy bear.

He was on his way to the store to restock the back stock, since the new toys had been finished earlier than expected. Likewise, he had a new stock list with him to accommodate the new additions to The Tinkerer's Treasure. Thus, he figured that he would seize the opportunity on his way there and stare at her window for a bit. Edgar could just imagine her inside her apartment, relaxing the night away; he could picture himself beside her, but that wasn't for now. There was still time to play with her after all. So, after a few more glances, he signaled his driver to head to the store.


Stocking the shelves, (f/n) knew that someone had stopped by the shop last night to restock the emptying back shelves. She wondered if it was Edgar, but she wondered even more if he would miss another night. The silence in the store was somewhat getting old. She enjoyed being in the shop by herself, especially after a busy day of work, but she had become used to Edgar's presence in the shop. During the seven days he had been gone, she had organized her thoughts, but she had also realized that she missed his presence. Had he quit? Was he not coming back? Such possibilities made her tense.

Perhaps, it was something she did, though. Then again, she couldn't think of anything that displeased him. Wait, why was her mind wondering about what satisfied and dissatisfied him? Catching her ensnared mind, she prevented her head from coming up with anything else. Still, she was losing it. This wasn't what she expected when she received the job at the toy store. Upon hearing the bell on the door ring, her heart seemed to skip a beat.

Peering over her left shoulder, she saw the familiar form of Edgar enter the store. Dark brown skinny jeans covered his legs, and a black v-neck went over his torso. To accompany these articles of clothing, he wore his grey coat and his black converse. Lastly, a brown ribbon secured his hair into a side ponytail.

A small tint of red dashed across her cheeks, when she saw him. She regained her composure quickly, though. On the other hand, Edgar merely cast a glance her way before heading behind the counter. His utter silence shocked her to say the least. It was as though he never asked her that question last week. Was he just messing with her again? She was tempted to say something, but she had promised herself to wait and see what he would do.

Staying true to her oath, she returned to her stocking. Of course, while she maintained a calm appearance on the outside, she was screaming at him on the inside. Why was he just standing there and checking the list? It was his job, but he barely even recognized her existence in the shop. After that first glance, there was nothing. This quietness was even new for him, but she forced herself to keep silent.

As for Edgar, he was thoroughly enjoying the scene that was playing before him. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see the frustration in (f/n)'s movements. Her facial expression was neutral, but the way she set down the toys indicated her inner turmoil. She still treated them with care or tried to. He could just hear her small mumbles of apologies to the creations, when she roughly placed them in their proper places. It was pretty adorable in his opinion.

His little muse was providing quite the entertainment for him. Furthermore, it was pleasing to know that he had once again caused her to act like this. He had planned for it to go like this: give her barely any attention and see how much it vexes her. Sadly, though, he could see that she was about done with her work. Regardless, he would wait just awhile longer.

Planning his timing, he looked up, when he saw her head to the backroom, and set the list down; he had finished his job for the night as well. Thus, he removed an item from his right outer jacket pocket and twirled it between his right index finger and thumb. As for (f/n), she soon came out of the backroom with her crossbody on. Furthermore, she wore a black jacket that ended just above her knees. This covered her beige long-sleeve, brown shorts and part of her black leggings. To compliment the jacket, she had on her black ankle boots. All in all she looked marvelous.

Edgar watched as she walked by the counter and towards the door, doing her best to ignore him. Smirking at this, he went around the counter and stopped her just before she left the shop. He could feel her tense in his grip, as he turned her right wrist over, so that her palm was facing him. Before she could say anything, he set a blueberry-crème lollipop in her hand. After he accomplished this, he turned on his heel and went back over behind the desk. Granted, he counted his steps on the way back and waited for the expected action.

"That's it! Stop perplexing me, and tell me what you want, Edgar," she voiced, now facing him and gripping the treat in her right hand.

"Well, there are many things that I want. You'll have to be more specific."

"You know that's not what I meant," (f/n) countered, taking some steps towards him.

"Hmm? I think I'm still bewildered by what you want me to say," Edgar responded, pretending to be genuinely confused.

"I ... I can't believe you! You're doing this on purpose," she added, coming even closer to him in her increasing irritation.

"I'm not doing anything, but standing right here. Besides, didn't you say that you were overreacting before?" he answered, shrugging in a slightly disapproving manner to mock her further.

Not being able to take it anymore, she huffed and went to say something else until she realized how close she was standing to him. Noting this, she stopped herself and blushed slightly. With regards to Edgar, he quite liked the small amount of distance between them. It went exactly as planned. He knew that she would get frustrated by his simple action and come storming towards him. Edgar relished his ability to predict and control her actions. Likewise, he would proceed to turn this situation into an even more pleasant one. Thus, he leaned down, so that his face was mere centimeters from her countenance.

"You know you're so cute when you're mad, but you should learn to keep your voice down when talking to your coworkers. It's rather rude, (f/n)."  

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