The Employee's Aggravation

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  (F/n) was quite glad that she didn't have to do any moving herself, but she wasn't exactly pleased either by this turn of events. Part of her wanted to go back to her apartment one last time, and now she doubted that she would ever get to go back. If she asked to do so, Edgar would probably respond that it wouldn't be necessary. Then again, who said that she couldn't go back on her own? She may be Edgar's assistant, but he didn't have reigns restricting where she could go. Still, how did he manage to get into her apartment? It's not like he had her keys.

This thought instantly crumbled to ash, though, upon recalling yesterday. He did take her keys from her kitchen counter and lock her apartment. Likewise, he never gave the keys back to her. Knowing Edgar, he had probably planned this from the moment he decided to bring her here.

"Well, are you going to stand there shocked, or are you going to change into some decent day clothes?" Edgar inquired, still sitting upon her couch.

Having been broken from her thoughts, she merely rolled her eyes at the male before she turned on her heel and headed back to her room. It probably would be best if she were to wear something other than her pajamas for the day. She did still have to move the items into her room after all.

Thus, she arrived at her room a few moments later. Closing the door behind her, she went back to the middle drawer and took out some articles of clothing. After she stripped out of the pajamas, she put on a beige sweater and chocolate brown skinny jeans. Currently, she couldn't locate any of her shoes, so she resorted to just putting on some beige socks.

With her outfit on, she went into the bathroom in order to put the pajamas into the black hamper, which resided on the left side of the sink. Accomplishing this, she exited the bathroom and her room and made her way back to the stairs. Once she reached them, she descended down into the foyer and went over to the closest box.

Opening the lid, she found the box to hold her previous bedroom decorations and stuffed animals. There wasn't much in the box, however, due to the lack of things that were in her bedroom. She saw her pink hippopotamus, other stuffed animals, silver alarm clock and wall art, which had pink flowers painted on them. In nearby box, she could see her crème colored sheets, crème colored and floral printed pillows, and pale pink comforter inside. Regardless, since her clock was there, she noticed that it was noon. Edgar really had let her sleep in quite a bit.

What she didn't notice, however, was that Edgar had moved from the couch to stand slightly behind her. "I had them strip the place clean of all your possessions. Of course, the appliances, bathroom utilities and kitchen cabinets are still there."

"So, how do you plan to accommodate my things into your home?" she asked, picking up her stuffed hippopotamus, which still had its neutral expression on its face. In fact it kind of reminded her of Edgar's typical countenance. Such a thought caused an amused smile to tug at her lips. Luckily, Edgar couldn't see her face from his perspective. At least she hoped that was case, since he was behind her.

"Well, you don't need most of this, so I thought to sell some of the items. Granted, you can keep a few things, but you'll have to check with me first. You'll have everything you need here anyway," he answered, picking up the silver alarm clock. "For instance you won't need this."

"Yeah, I don't think so. I don't have a clock in my room, and I intend to change that," she replied, trying to grab the clock from him. She failed in her attempt, since he kept holding it well out of her reach. This was rather vexing, but unless she grew taller, she wouldn't be able to take it back. "Why do you think that you can dictate what I keep and what I don't?" she inquired furthered, as she crossed her arms over her chest.

Instead of responding to her, he walked away from her and grabbed an empty box. He dropped the clock into the box and went to sit back on the couch. "This couch is comfortable, but it's going to go as well. My furniture is much better anyway," he arrogantly added, as he crossed his left leg over his right one. Furthermore, he rested his elbow on the couch's right arm, while his right cheek lay against his right knuckles. "You can proceed with your unpacking, (f/n)."

"Do you seriously think that I'm going to simply follow your instructions? They're ridiculous. These are my possessions, not yours. So, you have no right to tell me what I can keep."

"This is my house, isn't it? Thus, your possessions are now in my house, so they're technically mine now. I'm being gracious enough to let you keep some."

"That's your logic?" she questioned in a mocking manner. This earned her a slight frown from Edgar. Granted, this expression only fueled her resistance more. "If anything, Edgar, I could accuse you of selling stolen goods. Did I also mention that I could accuse you of illegally entering my apartment? You did take my apartment key without my permission after all. In reality, things aren't really looking too good for you right now."

Not saying anything, he sighed and took the clock out of the box. (F/n) was surprised by this action, since she didn't think he would comply so soon. Still, she was glad to see that he was cooperating. Thus, she took a step towards him but instantly regretted it. Almost a second after she had taken a step forward, the clock came flying at her. Immediately, she threw herself to the ground, as the clock flew overhead. A loud crash sounded behind her, as metal colliding with tile added to the noise.

"What the f*ck, Edgar?!" she exclaimed, pushing herself off the ground and standing back up onto her feet.

"It would've missed you by a few inches if you hadn't dodged. Still, I think you know what you need to do," he voiced with just a touch of venom in his voice.

"Do I now?" she asked angrily. "You think you can take me from my home and just expect me to follow your every command. I may respect you as a talented craftsman, and I may even like you; however, you can't command my every action. I'm not going to let you treat my things like they're garbage. I worked hard to pay for some of these things. Moreover, some of these items are treasured gifts. So, get that through your thick skull and stop acting like a conceited jerk."

Pushing himself off the couch, he began to walk over to her. (F/n) stood her ground and waited for what he had in store. When he was about a foot away from her, she watched him lift his right hand. Instinctively, she closed her eyes, though; she never felt his hand hit her face. Rather, she felt his hand rest gently on her left cheek. She opened her eyes back up and nearly jumped at how close his face was. The (h/c)-haired girl held her (e/c) gaze with his green one, as she watched him analyze the look in her eyes. A saddened expression crossed his countenance before he rested his forehead against hers.

"Forgive me, (f/n). I didn't know that you treasured these items so much. Still, do you really need to keep all of them? Do you not like the way I arranged your room for you?" he questioned, his tone now filled with guilt. In reality, though, he was furious; he was just keeping his composure outwardly. She had refused him four times, well actually five times, since she hadn't changed the first time he asked her. How dare she counter him five times. Still, he figured he could convince her to listen if he took a different approach. Fighting her more wouldn't get him what he wanted.

Edgar desired for her to cut as many ties with her past belongings as possible. Those ties weren't needed. She had new possessions, better belongings now. Thus, he just had to convince her of that. When he saw the fire in her eyes die out a little, he knew his new tactic was beginning to work. Her eyes glanced to downwards, and he knew she couldn't hold his gaze anymore. Despite his temptation to smirk, he kept his current sorrowful expression, as he created some distance between them.

"I mean I guess I don't need some of these items, but you didn't need to throw a clock at me. I just want you to be a little more considerate. I appreciate you bringing my things here but to just toss them afterwards is rather rude. Moreover, I'm grateful that you gave me such a nice room, but I can't just throw away memories in an instant."

"Fine, tell me what you want to keep, and I'll try to find a place for them. Surely, though, you don't need any of the large pieces of furniture, do you?"

"Well ... I suppose not, since I guess your house is well furnished," she mumbled, calming down from her previous infuriated state.

"I'm glad you think I have good taste in decorating," he added, a small smile now painting his lips. Edgar was ecstatic; he had indeed won this battle. She ended up conceding to his wishes. Granted, she still seemed hesitant about getting rid of most of her objects, but that would change with the passing of the day. He could tell by the way she was now looking over everything. Right now, she was probably registering the fact that she really would only need a few of the items.

Gazing back at him, she punched his right arm playfully. "You were still acting like a jerk, Edgar. Likewise, if you want me to get rid of most of this, you're going to be the one moving it. You're the one after all who seems to dislike it so much. Like you mentioned, I guess that I don't really need my couch anymore. Why don't you take it out of your house?" she spoke with a smirk on her lips. Truthfully, he might've been right about not keeping the furniture, but she had her own ways to get back at him. Despite his apology, (f/n) still couldn't forget about the slight fury in his tone previously. She honestly didn't even know if his apology was sincere, so she wasn't going to let him off the hook that easily.    

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