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He had been my best friend for as long as I could remember. There wasn't much more to it. You would think spending your whole life growing up with someone you'd get sick of them, like a sibling. But it wasn't like that with him. It was actually the complete opposite. I liked him. I had been falling for him since the moment I realized what falling in love was. I'd say middle school was the stand out point for it all. Seeing my friends drool over him and hearing about him finding this girl and that girl pretty, it made me crazy. But I knew he would never feel that way towards me so I had come accustom to dealing with the issue. The issue fully being that I was going to have to share the boy I cared about with someone else.

High school was hard for anyone. It's the up and down period for any teenager, male or female. Having a crush on your best friend just made things that much harder. I'm not going to say that I dreamed of having him take me to the school formal but I wanted it. He already had a date. Any plans I had of having him was taken away the moment she entered the picture. I would say I lost my best friend the day it happened but that wasn't really true either. Our pack turned to a pack of three and I was stuck third wheeling with the two of them. Everything that had once been our thing turned into sharing it with her.

I had to hold back the fact that sharing it with her hurt me. I couldn't look at him the way I did before. We were teenagers that experimented with everything we heard about. There was no doubt the moment I left the picture they were doing things I would never have a chance to do. Not by choice but because I couldn't get over him. The formal was the place that put me getting over him to the test. I couldn't always be their third wheel, especially to formal. So there I was going with his best friend. It felt like cheating without actually cheating. I didn't care about his friend, nor was he what I wanted but it meant that I wasn't third wheeling.

I got ready at his house. There was no fun in getting ready alone, even if he wasn't interested in what I was doing. He would be investing his night in her so I needed to get my time in beforehand. I wasn't trying to impress my date, but trying to impress him. As I got ready and talked with him I made sure everything was placed perfectly. If it wasn't perfect, the night would just turn into a disaster, a bigger one than what was already occurring. The night I had been planning since middle school already wasn't going to plan. But I was going to do as much as I could to get it as close as I could to my dreams.

Entering the bathroom to put on my dress I found myself staring in the mirror. My Mister Right was standing on the other side of the door getting ready for his Mrs. Right which wasn't me. I pulled my dress out from its bag and held it up to myself before finally putting it on. I glanced at how everything just fit so perfectly together. My hair fell in all the right places, my face was done to perfection, and my dress fit like a glove. I held my arms to the front of my dress as I walked out of the bathroom. There he stood shirt unbuttoned looking at me.

"Do you mind?" I turned around pulling my hair to the front revealing my unzipped dress. He walked over and I felt the dress hug my sides as the pulling of the zipper stopped. I moved my hair back and turned to face him slowly. It was the full reveal of the completed look, minus the shoes. I found myself staring in the process. It was something I couldn't help. He looked me up and down with a smile.

"Don't you look nice?" I smiled at him, thanking him for the compliment. I would never get a you look beautiful or stunning from him. He just didn't see me like that and over the years I had learned to slightly accept it. His eyes left me as soon as his sly compliment left his mouth. He finished getting ready, buttoning up his shirt and tucking it in. I paced around his room as he did so. I couldn't watch him get ready for another girl not on what I wanted to be our night. His doorbell rang and we both looked at each other. It should have been him getting the door but I needed to get away for a second so I offered to get it.

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