Chapter Three: Gaining Trust

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Your POV

"You're wrong, Y/n."

I look back at them with a quizzical expression. "Huh?" I breathe.

"I said, you're wrong. What kind of organization do you think we are?" Steve says staring at me, drilling a hole into my very soul.

I stare right back at him. Out of the corners of my eyes, I see both Sam and Bucky cross their arms. They're staring at me as well.

"You... You just want to use me. Why should I trust you? Everyone is the exact same way! You're just power hungry bastards!" I raise my voice, anger and sadness pouring out of it. I turn back to the window holding back tears that start to overflow. A harsh pain in my throat causing a forced heavy breathing upon me.

I've been used before, but I'm done. No more. No more...

Bucky lets out a low grunt. I could tell he was insulted by what I said.

"You can't just assume we're like those people at the laboratory, Y/n. We fight people like them. We're the Avengers." Sam pleads with me, but I can't even look at him.

"Of course you're good guys." I snap with a sarcastic tone. "You're only here to help me, right? You saved me out of the goodness of your hearts, and not at all because of my goddamn curse."

"Actually, we weren't even planning on finding anyone at that institution. We we're looking for something else. So you're lucky I found your ungrateful ass." Bucky snaps right back. This time I do look back at them.

"What we're you looking for?" I question sternly.

The three of them stay silent.

"What were you looking for?" I demand.

"That's classified." Steve finally answers, now avoiding my gaze.

I let out a laugh. "Classified? Bullshit. If you were looking for something involving that facility, that's my business. Now tell me, or else." I say, furrowing my brows at them.

Sam nudges Bucky's arm, motioning that it's their time to leave. Before they do, Bucky shoots me a strong look. Almost a look of concern.

Steve still has his eyes glued to the floor. I say nothing, but I'm not giving up the subject.

"We we're looking for files on one of Hydra's victims, a woman that was captured and brought there a long time ago."

"Hydra?" I automatically ask.

"You- You don't know?" Steve finally looks up at me. My confused look is a good enough answer for him, so he answers. "That laboratory you were in was run by Hydra, a terrorist organization. They've been 'recruiting' people of special ability to do their bidding for a long time. Bucky was one of them."

He seems hurt by that last statement.

"I-I don't understand. Is that why they made me? To... to kill..." I answer my own question, whispering the last part to myself. I realize now what it all was for. All of the torture, all of the training, all of the tests...

"Exactly." Steve says in a low voice. "Bucky was brainwashed and forced to become an assassin for Hydra."

"Why is he here then? Why is he fighting the people he worked for?" I question, more or less meaning how is he here and not still brainwashed.

"Well, I helped him remember who he really is. The Bucky I used to know before this all happened." Steve explains. "I assume you were brainwashed as well?"

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