Chapter one: the pits of kaon

1.9K 40 9

-power- 100%
-functionality- 79%
-glitches- 31%
-agility- 99%
:gender: mech
:age: N/A
:sire: [no name given]
:carrier: diseased
:sparkmate: none
Objective: fighting in the pit

Soundwave. That was his name. Soundwave was a mech who practically raised himself his entire life. Having only one parent only made matters worse. His sire abused him out of sadness for losing his sparkmate. He blamed soundwave for what had occurred. Soundwave grew up into a sad life not knowing what to do...that's is....until he was taken into the pit.

Soundwave's Pov

Dear diary,
Today, is my first day at the pit. I know what they think of me. They think I won't make it a cycle in a place like this. They don't know me. They don't know how much of a fighter I am.

With that, I shutdown the datapad and put it away. I was sent to the pit by my sire. He needed money but he can hardly keep a job, he can't even stand up straight. But he's my sire and I still love him. "soundwave! You're the first in the arena!" A mech shouted. I stood up and walked to the edge of the door. "So you're the new fighter" the same mech said. I could sense an insult coming. "You don't seem like much to me, you look more like a femme" he taunted. I said nothing to him and waited until I was called into the arena. "Welcome! To pits of kaon!" The announcer said. Suddenly the crowed roared in excitement. "Today! We brought in fighters from all over cybertron! So prepare yourselves for battle.....TO THE DEATH!" The announcer yelled. Somehow the crowed got even louder. They wanted energon to be spilled and they wanted it now. "First up! We have Snout! Vs soundwave!!!!" He yelled again. The crowd cheered as Snout and I walked out into the open. "Now remember! The match doesn't end until one of you is defeated or time runs out" the announcer explained. He then started explaining the rules but I knew that in the pit, rules don't matter.

I started to analyze my opponent watching his every move. He was walking around me, I wasn't sure if he was underestimating me or just studying me. He had a smirk on his face which confused me. "Someone like you shouldn't be fighting here" he smirked. I was a bit confused so I said nothing. Soon the announcer began his countdown. "In three!!........." He said slowly. I prepared myself for anything and Snout just stood there. "GO!" The announcer yelled. Snout and I both ran at each other and punched each other in the faceplates. We launched each other backwards but we stood up quickly

I ran at him with full speed and tried punching him again. But he caught my servo. He pulled me a bit closer and whispered "how about I spare you and later we can go out for high grade?"

I felt anger boil within me. I understood now. He thought I was a femme. There had been many who had mistaken me for a femme, and that never ended good.

~•Smol time skip•~

Within a few minutes I had Snout pinned to the ground and his servo behind his back. The crowd cheered on for me to finish him and snout was begging for me to spare him. I looked at the time and saw only a couple of second left. I could either spare him, or just end it here. "Kill! Kill! Kill!" The crowed chanted.

But I spared him. I waited until the match was over and I walked away. I disappointed the crowed and they were booing me. Once I was inside I sat down and waited until the end of the day. But then a large grey mech approached me. "Hello there" he said with a smiled. He then put out his servo and wanted me to take it. "I'm megatronus" he greeted. I shook his hand but I didn't want to answer him.

"What is your designation?" He asked. I stood quiet and I was a bit nervous around new bots. So I sat there a bit uncomfortable. "Oh, sorry, I know how meeting someone new can be strange and nerve wrecking so I'll leave you be" he said. He darted walking away but something told me to stop him. I felt like there was more to him then what I could see. "Soundwave" I finally said. He turned to me and looked at me confused. "M-my designation is Soundwave" I said. This time, it was I who was holding out their servo. He smiled and shook my hand. "It's good to meet you" he began. "Soundwave"


I had to post this before I fell asleep :)

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