Our Time Together

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*Author's Note: I know I've been gone forever! Life has been crazy and I honestly gave up on this story 🙁. I definitely didn't get as much support as my Eazy-E fanfic and that's okay. I don't know if I'm going to delete This story because this is literally the last chapter I wrote in May😂. I'm not sure who to write about next or if I'll even have time. I've gotten a lot of request to do a new rapper like G-Eazy but I don't know much about him so we'll see. My brother's a fan of him so I can ask him and do research 😂 Sorry again guys and thanks for the support! ❤️*
*3 Months Later! (August 2012)*

(Naya's POV!)
"Hey Naya, you did really good today. Those shots came out perfect!" My co-worker Samantha told me.

"Thank you." I told her smiling.

I walked to the dressing room and changed back into my clothes. I had just done a photoshoot for the clothing store H&M. I'm comfortable working with this modeling agency now. The models are really nice and respectful.

I gathered all my things and walked back out. As I walked out I heard someone call my name. I turned around and Kendrick was there smiling at me.

"Hey, I thought I was going to meet you at your house?" I told him.

"Naw, I wanted to surprise you." He said with a huge smile across his face.

He had his hand behind his back and then he moved it in front of him. In his hand he had a dozen of pink roses and a teddy bear. It was a panda bear, just like the one that I won for him at the carnival the first day we started dating.

"Happy one year anniversary babe." He said as he looked at me.

"I told you not to get me anything. You're the sweetest K." I told him smiling.

I walked up to him and gave him a hug. I pecked him on the lips.

"I know we said we weren't going to get each other something but it's a special day today. We've been together for a year." He said.

"I know. Time went by really fast." I told him.

We were standing there talking when Samantha walked by. She came and handed me a couple of pictures.

"Here Naya, they wanted you to have your own copies." She told me smiling.

"Oh thank you. Um Samantha this is my boyfriend Kendrick. Kendrick this is Samantha. She's a model here too." I introduced them.

"I'm a huge fan." Samantha told Kendrick smiling as she shook his hand.

"Oh thanks. It's nice to meet you." He told her.

"Nice to meet you too. Well I'll see you later Naya." Samantha said smiling.

I waved at her as she walked away. Kendrick grabbed my hand and locked his fingers between mine.

"So since you look so nice, I want to take you out. I have a surprise for you. There's going to be other people with us, so don't get too fancy." He told me smiling as we walked out of the building.

"Oh. Well okay then. Are you going to pick me up or should I meet you there?" I asked him.

"I'll pick you up." He told me smiling.

He walked me to my car and then I got in. I lowered down my window and started my car.

"Okay, I'll see you later babe. Be careful." He told me.

He bent down and gave me a kiss.

"See you later." I told him smiling.

I started to drive away. As I drove back home I started to reflect on this year with Kendrick. It's been hard but I wouldn't change anything. He's perfect and he makes me so happy. He treats me like a queen and I know that I am madly in love with this man.

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