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     "Ladies and gentlemen." The king called, of course we all answer.

     "Yes Big Brother?" We all said while I'm far far away from them because I stink, they say.

     "So you have to exchange rooms with each other but still.... the room of girls will be separated of course." and they whine, you perverts -_- "You have to wear those blindfolds and walk to find for the room which is going to be yours for the next months."

     "For the whole game to be exact, right Big Brother?" I asked him. All eyes are towed on me.

     "Yes and your new roommates will be revealed. Good luck. Kyler you can now get the blindfolds at the conference room." He said and gone while Kyler's picking up those blindfolds. I'm having this nervous breakdown which I don't have any idea why.

Blindfolds are now on; girls helped us to tie it. So this is it! Here I come my future room and future roommate! :D I hope my roommate will be Kyler because he is so nice, so quiet, so clean, and so cute just like me.

I bumped to someone.

     "Hey watch out!" I shouted while girls are laughing at some reason.

     "Sorry." And I heard a smirk. I know who came from that smirk!

     "Whatever, get out of my way."

     "A no will do, I can't. I'm blind. Help me. Hahah."

     "Let go of me!" He's holding my shirt and goes wherever I go. I don't want him to be a roommate! NO! I wobble, and I'm pretty sure I punched him at his face.

     "10 seconds left....9 8 7 6 "He doesn't want to let me go. Great.

     "5 4 3" as the clock runs out I just walked wherever my feet destined to go.

     "Time's up! Untie your blindfolds." Big brother said.

I saw someone at the ground, holding his lips, he's biting it. Bloods are coming. Did I hit him that hard?

     "Sorryyyyyyyyyy Reddy!" Ooops.

     "That is so gay! ><" Haha. he's pissed off. I sat next to him at the floor.

    "It sounds great to me baby." I whisper. I saw there's a shiver strikes to him because he just suddenly shake and get away from me.

     "Stay away---"

    "--from my frieeeeeeends, 'cause I need them to carry me...." he stares for a while and then smirk. Not again! I know that smirk!

     "So you know Pierce The Veil huh?" he sat right next to me like an idiot widely smiling...

     "So? The hell you care?" I crossed-arms.

     "Well, you still owe me a sandwich."

     "What's the connection of a sandwich with Pierce The Veil???" I rolled my eyes. And suddenly he just kneel down and then crawls up and move towards me, over me. He's in my half, he lowers his chest and whispers...

     "I know your dirty little secret." i pushed him back. Perspiration, that is what I'm having now. like.... What just happened? He was over me. He was over me, oh well. That's fucked up.

     "What the hell?" The only words I cast out. A smirk again.

     "Red, please? Stop tripping me, it's not even funny."

     "Whatever you little cutie."

     "Oh my gooooooood, they are just too cute! Yaoi!!! I can't even..." Riley squeaks.

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