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"Red come to conference room."

I went to conference room as soon as I read that. There is a doctor I guess because he's wearing this white gown.

     "A doctor? Why? Is he okay? He's coming back right?" I asks BB but he's not responding instead of answering the doctor grab my wrist and chest; he's checking my pulse and then he checked my heartbeat I can say. Well, it beats his name.

The doctor stopped and went outside then come back again and dit beside me. He nodded. 

     "Red open the white box and take a look on what's inside." I did what he said.

I peek and said "A crumpled paper?" 

     "Now pick it." I took it and look at the doctor beside me. What is he still doing here?

You're my peanut butter to my sandwich. I read it with my eyes. My tears are at the edge of my eyes; tears of joy. I chuckled, lightly. 

     "What's it's said?" he ask.

     "Do I really need to say it? Can I just keep it to me?" 

     "I want to know what's inside."

     "You nosy. NO. It's just between me and my Kosey." 


     "Yes thank you. Where is he?" I miss him already, I'm missing him badly. My eyes are not used when he's not around. My heart stops every hour elapsed, afraid of the thought that he'll not coming back. 

     "He's coming back, right?" I asked him again.

     "Actually..." the doctor started to talk "....his current situation is kinda bad. His right foot has sprain because when he slip and dropped off to floor his right foor was bend and put force when he fell, his back is broken. So it'll take a few weeks before he can able to walk again." My jaw dropped, my mouth's in a shape 'O' confused, nervous. That is what I'm feeling now.

     "B-b-b-b...ut can I see him!? Now?! Please?!"


     "I can take whatever challenge is that! please?" 

     "But you should be in here within 24 hours."

     "Alright, can I go now?" I said with my pretty adorable ocean blue eyes. 

I see nothing now. Blindfold again. I don't know why do I have to have this blindfold. I'm not going to escape or what. Tss. and besides I'm too worried to think of escaping, as if I'm I'd rather going to escape than to see Kosey?! Heck no! I'd choose him. 

The car stopped. "Are we here already?" 

     "No, a gas station." Oh great. I only have 24 hours and it seems like the hospital is too far from the BB's House. 

     "Kosey." I saw him at his bed, right foot is up and lying of course. 

     "How are you doing?" I ask outside of his room but when I come in I saw his family; his mother, a sister and a brother I guess? e.e I'm not really sure because they have different faces.

     "They're my bestfriends." he said and giggle.

     "I see." 

    "You can go here, nearer." Kosey said because I'm still standing near at the door. Man! I'm shy. I'm pretty sure I'm blushing.

      "First time I see you blushing, you like Stanley? haha." his mock. 

     "Haaa." Stanley mutters.

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