Chapter 8 ~ There it was...

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That's it!!

'I am not alive, yet I grow; I have no lungs, yet I need air; I have no mouth, yet I can drown. What am I?

The answer of the first riddle was........ FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK, so one down, two to go! I can do this! How am I going to figure this out? Maybe I'll let it happen on it's own. Yeah, i'll do that, wait and wait and wait!!

After about an hour, I sat there on the sandy shore, waiting for something to happen, nought!!! As I approached the sea looking for clues, I then saw the great shark I had seen before, what was It doing ? Just about half an hour before, it came... ( It was early by 1/2 an hour.) I leaned over to see what It was doing, It seemed as if It was coming closer to the sand. It also wrote something with its big fins. The shark then went away, what did it say on the sand?

' Don't go looking for trouble, Katherine!!! Or else!!!!!!!! '  Why did all of the creatures hate me, first, I got leaches on my sore leg ,the dragon "warning" me and now that shark threatening me!

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' Don't go looking for trouble, Katherine!!! Or else!!!!!!!! '  Why did all of the creatures hate me, first, I got leaches on my sore leg ,the dragon "warning" me and now that shark threatening me!

I looked closer to the sand noticing some footprints, that WEREN'T mine! I wore some shoes and these footprints were bare! 

 They were also leading to a trail heading towards the woods! I followed them eagerly, and then they stopped by the big brown tree

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 They were also leading to a trail heading towards the woods! I followed them eagerly, and then they stopped by the big brown tree. 

Looking around,I couldn't see anything lurking about.Where was this                     mysterious person?? 

I couldn't really of what to think of this island's mysteries. Everything that was in the island was full of secrets, and I could never find the answer to these riddles! ARGH, what could I do?? After , I went through the second riddle in my head over and over again. I was missing something , like a clue! BUT WHAT??? I went to the place I had found the weird letter with the three riddles. I then noticed that I could see a little bit of a foggy mansion. Ah , I get it now, whenever I had answered one the riddles, the mansion would come clearer and clearer.

"Secretss are going to get you closer to your answers."  

Who was that, was I hearing things?? I thought of what the voices meant. Secrets were going to get me closer to my answers. MMMMM , what did they mean by SECRETS???!! 

Probably they knew I needed answers to the riddles, and MAYBE that secrets was one of the er um........ ANSWERS!!!!! 

I get it now!!!

If you have me, you want to share me. If you share me, I no longer exist. What am I? It's a SECRET!!!!! Yes , I can now focus on the last riddle.

What can you catch but not throw? Hmm, what can you catch but now throw???????????

                                                                 2 days later.......

                                                                 2 days later

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For two days now, I still couldn't solve this STUPID riddle. ARGH! 

I tried and tried to figure it out, the question went in my head and still no answers!!!!!!! I also hated how my annoying cold would NEVER go! I had NEVER EVER gotten a cold, EVER!!! How ill I was. I tried to get rid of it like a billion times, but it didn't work. I just don't get how I had gotten it!!  Usually when you get a cold, you'd must've caught it off someone. I was the ONLY one on this island. 

After about half an hour, I achoo ed and all of a sudden, there was some sort of writing. 

 'What you seek for is beneath you...' what did my snot mean??? I thought long and hard, searching for an answer , beneath me...... I didn't get it. Beneath me, like um er my snot??No no, not my snot, maybe my cold!!! Yes, my cold!!! 

I then ran out to the enchanted woods to see if the mansion was there.There it was!!!!!!!!!

There it was!!!!!!!!!

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