[WillDip] Nice And Patched Up

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It was amazing till Rev notice Will was doing horribly wrong in the kitchen and decided to check it out only to find out- "WHAT THE FUCKTARD LIVING HELL VEIN OF VOID OF MY ENTIRE LIFE IS THAT FUCKING PORTAL SHIT TROLL!?"Rev scream on top of his lungs until he got a slap from one the floating frying pan that sway around his face rubbing against his cold cheeks of heartless soul of the death.

"Ouch!" He groan,catching the attention of the demon which is oddly strange for not hearing him scream,but of course it could be explain as for the demon really never listened to the blue hearted monster ever since the first day they dated.

"Dear goodness sake! Are you alright??" He said, teleporting near the human pushing off the frying pan aside the room and instead of getting a soft gesture,He got a slap by accident or maybe his human boyfriend did it in purpose? But nonetheless to say,It hurt for the nervous blue demon.

"Wow" Amused by the humans strength without a help from a magical enchantment,but totally back fire when he saw the human was helding a accessory,Which he later took back what he said earlier.

"Rev,Are you okay?" He sigh in a blunt face looking through the teenage mind and what he read inside the teenage is what he will experience in 3,2,1-

"I'm fine..."That...actually shock the demon.This is not what he read in the teenage mind.This is wrong,well,at least for him for not actually thinking that the teenage human would answer him like that instead of intense cursing and shouting but took it as a mechanism of self-safety."Okay" he whisper in a thought of how much his master or should we call boyfriend change so much ever since the terrible horribly wrong dance party which led to the best first date."So,Are you hurt? I can heal you up ins-" he was cut off when the human raised up from the floor helding a sign that can be determined as 'stop'. "I think Erse has a medical kit supply under her bed but I don't want to disturb her daily killing mechanism to switch me as her newest victim..." He said briefly moving his hand away from the demon which he took shock and surprise when the demon kissed it and disappeared only to come back with the medical kit held on his warm soothing hands.

This made the human blush deeply and avoid eye contact on the demon,but was force to look through the demon when its hand grab him by the chin and patch up the burning mark on his cheeks.

It was nice and embarrassing for the kid while for the demon it was amazing and adorable for this type of feeling and situation they are in.

"Say...What happened to the kitchen?"Rev mumble trying to contain the pain and anger within him."Erse and Cifica(I'm calling Reverse!Pacifica Cifica) tried to prank me which led me to panic mode and kinda explode the kitchen.."Will said calmly while finishing the final touches of patching up his boyfriend. "Erse....fck it" Rev groan and as he pulled away,He realized he was perfectly patch up and ready.

"Okay...?" Will ask,"Yeah,I'm okay..."Rev sigh.


WillDip/BillDip [ONE-SHOTS?]Where stories live. Discover now