New life

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Chapter One~


My name's Jane Aniston.



My voice cracked as everyone's eyes stares intently at me. It's as if everyone here is a mad scientist and I'm some kind of an extremely rare specimen that they're trying to diagnose in their mind.

          Silence is really the loudest when it comes to this kind of situation. I've never ever been stared dead on for so long. How long has it been? One hour? A day? I closed my eyes, hoping for the best.

If nothing continues to happen, I don't know what I'll do.

          I shifted uncomfortably when an eruption of people clapping startled me. I opened my eyes and see students welcoming me with warmth. Gee, that kinda helped. Sounded sarcastic but I am not joking. The vomit climbing up my throat stopped midway and was pushed back to the other end.

Disgusting yet not as much as to barf in front of the class.

          Mrs. Quinn, my class teacher, ushered me forward and gestured to my seat. Sitting down and glancing at my watch, I noted that I only took a few seconds standing upfront. Approximately 56 seconds was me, over-thinking of everything, standing up there like an idiot.

And I thought it was longer.

           Anyway, I looked around the classroom since I sat at the corner way back of the classroom. Everyone here is really simple. They're not even wasting their time in here too, each of them is writing down notes and paying attention to Mrs. Quinn. That's a first.

Wait a minute, notes?

           I looked up to where Mrs. Quinn is and see that she is writing down some important tips about something. The board is scribbled till there's almost a quarter of it left, and she's already planning to rub it off!

Wait, Mrs.Quinn!

              I took out my pen and immediately jolted down the notes. I might have been daydreaming a little too much. I just didn't expect for class to start real fast, begining with a handful of notes. Plus, students actually noting these notes and stuff is kinda unexpected from my teenage life experience.

Eh, since everybody's doing it, might as well.

          This school follows a different system. It's not the type where students has to walk around the school hallways and find the right class.

No, no.

                 It's the type where we sit comfortably on our never-changing seats and the teachers moves from classrooms to classrooms. Which theoretically means that we get fatter each day while the teachers get slimmer everyday.


And then, because our school is sort of secluded, making cars to drop us off proved to be quite hard, so students usually would just leisurely walk home. Which means we also make do with the blubber that's in us by burning them with jogging or just by walking to school and back home.

It's a win-win. Sort of.

How did I know this since it's my first day?

    Well, you could learn a lot with your mom's childhood memories. I wouldn't have listened. Repeat, I wouldn't have listened, if there was a television in her house.

I mean come on. Others at least have one, and we? Nada.

            Luckily, there's WiFi around my mom's neighbourhood. Thank God! Actually it came from a guy next door. He's a sweet, middle-aged guy so when I asked him for his WiFi's password, he gave it to me, without getting scolded.

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