A Single Glove -- Chapter 3

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The only thing more we needed to make this any grander was a red carpet.

For some odd, possibly insane reason, Masahiro had us lined up at by the elevator, waiting patiently for our Highness, King Sakamaki to make his appearance.

I would complain, however the way Maria followed obediently told me doing so would not go down quite so well with her. I had not a clue as to this Sakamaki person's character, though it was clear to even myself that he would not appreciate such an odd gesture.

Despite the insanity, I seemed to be the only person that cared.

There was not a worker in the office that did not struggle to contain their excitement, of course not counting myself; also Maria, who seemed to be excited about something else entirely irrelevant (she had started mumbling something about Masahiro's cleverness beside me, and fearing for my own endangerment, I chose not to pry).

Masahiro had now began pacing down the line, using that keen observation he possessed to check on our uniforms. He stopped before me.

"(Last Name)-san. Your collar is unorderly," he scowled at me, pushing the folds over my shirt with his thumbs. Our gaze clashed unintentionally, and his usually sharp expression softened. As he lingered on me I began to feel uncomfortable -- almost anxious, when conveniently the elevator rung. Masahiro snapped to attention comically.

The gleaming silver doors took a long time to open, and when they did they revealed a human words could only describe as god-like.

His skin was a perfect, alabaster tone, untouched and flawless as if the sun did not exist in his world, and it glowed to life under the LEDs. Ruby irises like stained glass narrowed behind white framed glasses cleaned to absolution, not a marr in sight beneath the lighting. Violet hair twisted down the side of his face, fading into almost pearl.

The Sakamaki son stood tall and straight, as he had likely been trained to do for years in his life. A stiff suit jacket closed tightly over his wide chest would restrict his movement, and a red tie was swallowed up beneath the clothing item, highlighting his eyes.

I could hardly train myself on one spot. There was too much to take in, far too much, he was simply breathtaking. A living, breathing picture of the ultimate man.


"I love you."

"Of course. Always."


I bit my tongue bitterly, ignoring the taste of iron that layered the roof of my mouth.

There is no such thing as an ultimate man. In the end, he is human. There has to be something wrong with him.

My vision became swallowed by his hands, in particular the one on his right side, rested upon his thigh. It was cloaked by a single, white silk glove.

I felt the thrill of amusement as a baffled expression appeared, hardly visible on his model-like face. A woman followed closely behind him as he took paced steps through the line, his line of sight frozen ahead of him.

As he approached my own position, I became possessed with nerve inducing sensations. His intriguing presence embodied the air with crackling, thick tension.

The distance he was focussed on became suddenly uninteresting to the man, as his head turned on his neck toward me. I could not pry myself away from him, my body fighting against the intense feeling of danger I sensed.

The muffled, continuous beat of his shoes to the carpet finally broke.

And then, when I believed everything had fallen to pieces, he seemed to recover as if nothing had changed. He stopped at the end of the line, turned, and bowed. His assistant (who you thought was a little bold in her choice of clothing) copied his actions.

"Right. Return to work. Show Sakamaki-san what we can do," barked Masahiro, and like ants in a craze, the women scrambled to work.

As I returned to my seat I found my vision particularly blurred, the fast moving rate of my pulse refusing to slow.

"(First Name)!" Hissed Maria, grinning ear to ear, "did you see the way he was looking at you?"

I snorted.

"It was nothing. I probably creeped him out or something," I retorted, though neither she nor I were entirely convinced.

She threw her head back ever so slightly, returning to me with a second playful smile.

"Then explain that."

I followed the pointed jab of her finger, and for a long second caught Reiji's vulnerable expression, directed toward me.


AU! Reiji Sakamaki x Reader -- BoughtWhere stories live. Discover now