chapter 2: the quest begins

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A dungeon?" Jack said, almost spilling his ale in excitement. I looked around the small tavern.

"Shut up." I whispered. "Don't want the whole world to know that we may be doing something great. I've told you many times that there may be a chance to find you're father...This might be that chance."

"I know that is possible. Jason, don't even start on me. You're not accepted. Well, legally you are, but you weren't even supposed to be....." He stopped.

I winced heavily. I hated the fact that even I wasn't supposed to be born. All I wanted was recognition for something great. Maybe then might I be socially acceptable.

"Anyways." Jack continued. "We need to use that money that we've saved up. We're not going to destroy the enemies of the dungeons with rusty sticks."

I didn't even know if sticks could rust. I shrugged.

We looked at Sixela. She was quietly watching the exchange. She was just a maid at the tavern, for we did not expect what the quiet nymph would say next. "I could help."

I instantly looked at Jack. All we needed was another person. We had enough money for only one person to have new weapons; me.

"I have enough silver pieces for us to get new weapons and plenty of rations for our journey. Surely 137 silver will do?" She fluttered her eyes and wings simultaneously.

We blinked. "How much did you say?" I asked.

Sixela repeated, "137."

I grinned. "We leave tomorrow."


I walked out of the tavern into the cold snowy night. Jason beside me. It was completely annoying, how he never stopped smiling. It was more contagious then a common cold. I shivered, and looked uneasily at Jason. "You heard that too? The rattling of bones..."

Jason made a quick, wide arch with his hands, and the skeleton that was preparing to open my skull collapsed in a large flame. I instinctively dodged the seemingly immenent attack.

Jason smiled grimly as he helped me up. "Thanks. I muttered.

"Sixela, you repair my sword, get Jason an axe and get yourself a bow. Meet us at the Green Dragon. dont get in trouble." I said.

"Also," Jason added, "Get food."


she grabed my sword and took off running. we went to the tavern to eat and rest.

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