Chapter 1: Sensational!

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The PA system in team RWBY's dorm room crackled to life. "Miss Rose would you please head up to Professor Ozpin's office, he wishes to speak with you about something." Glynda Goodwitch's voice announced.

The four girls turned from their game towards the PA and then to their leader.

"What do you think Ozpin wants?" Yang asked.

"Dunno, guess I'll have to go see." Ruby replied standing, after a moment she crouched down next to Weiss. "On my next turn flip these two cards." She said separating two face down from her pile. "And if Yang does anything this one too." Ruby added separating another card.

Weiss nodded. "Sure thing."

Ruby noted Yang's devious smirk as she left the room, wearing her own devious smirk because she knew Yang would fall for the trap. She walked down the hall towards the central tower that housed Ozpin's office waving to Jaune and Pyrrha as she passed them in the hall.

Before long she was in the main office, a large circular room accented in shades of dark green that contrasted nicely with the large pieces of brass clockwork that showed through the walls and ceiling. The room was dominated by a heavy circular desk of dark wood, behind witch Professor Goodwitch sat.

Ruby stopped making sure she caught her attention. "Yes, go ahead up Miss Rose."

Ruby nodded before stepping into the glass walled brass elevator that led up to Ozpin's office. The glass sides of the elevator looked out into the clockwork that occupied most of Beacon's central tower with occasional breaks that looked right out over the school grounds and the city of Vale in the distance.

Ruby stood in silence slowly swaying from one foot to the other as she rode the elevator up wondering what Professor Ozpin wanted to speak with her about. The elevator finally reached its destination and she walked out into the small area just outside the office, she pressed the buzzer next to the door.

"Come in" Came back muffled through the door.

She walked into the office where Ozpin stood behind his desk framed by the large window behind him. Off to the side of the room stood Penny next to a few bags.

"Professor Ozpin." Ruby nodded. "Uh hello Penny." She waved to the synthetic girl.

"Salutations!" Penny exclaimed smiling widely.

"Yes Hello Ruby." Ozpin replied setting his coffee down on the desk. "I believe you are already acquainted with Penny here."

"Yes, we're friends." Ruby replied smiling to Penny as she said friends, Penny in return smiled widely. "Uhm If you don't mind me asking what did you want to speak to me about Sir?"

"About Penny actually." Ozpin replied walking around his desk to stand before Ruby. "I believe you are already aware of what Penny is?"

Ruby looked over to Penny who nodded. "Uh yes Sir."

"Well then as you know Penny is here to learn and grow, to that end she has asked to attend Beacon for a time." Ozpin replied.

"That sounds like a good idea, I know I've certainly learned a lot while here, but if I may ask what does this have to do with me?" Ruby asked still confused.

"Well seeing as you already know what she is I would like to place Penny on your team for the duration of her stay here." Ozpin looked at Ruby. "Of course a team is a very closely bound unit, I wouldn't force you to do anything, and five members is a lot for a team leader to manage, both in and out of combat."

Ruby looked deep in thought for a few moments. "Well it certainly makes sense to put her with us because we already know her, and I don't think anyone would have a problem with it, you'd have to tell them about who you really are, but I don't see why not."

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