Now I saved your ass

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Allies POV

I was standing at the door of lady Ulma mansion, with sage and Saber by my side, Matt chickened out and ran home to Luke, PUSSY.

“what happens if she’s like retired and can’t make a dress?” I frantically asked Sage, he didn’t reply so I walked in and knocked on the  door, it flung open to reavel lady Ulma.

*-*-*-(at the king’s ball)*-*-*-*-

(dress on the side)

Sage was by my side in a very nice tux, I was in a black ball gown with silver hoop earring and matching necklace, we waited until our names were called.

“Lord Sage and Lady Alexandra” the man said as we walked in, we got some oh’s and ah’s, but other than that we were normal.

“I’m going to see if I can get some followers, meet me back here in a hour” I said sage nodded, I made my way through the crowd looking for people who were willing to help.

“Alexandra” someone called,  turned around to see Sam, the one who took me to Luke’s coming towards me.

“oh, hello Sam” I said nicely , he grabbed my wrist.

come on I’ve got to show you this awesome lake  found the other day!” he said pulling me out of the house, we walked for a little bit until we came to a huge lake.

“Hello my Princess” someone said, I flung my head around making my hair whip around, “miss me?”

“where’s the boy’s?!” I yelled, Chris pulled out a little vile on it that read Stefan, “no- why?” I asked.

“I’ve got plenty more , every time you take a step closer I throw one in the death lake, so they can come back” he said opening his coat to reveals little villa’s with the persons soul in it.

“N-no ”I said.

“Alright then” he said opening Damon’s bottle and drinking the commence.

“No!” I yelled he dropped the bottle to the ground. “Alright, realise them and I’ll come to you” I said, he did so.

I found myself running to him, my eye’s watery, my hand sweaty, and my knee’s wobbly, i felt myself black out for a second and I was on all four’s running, I looked down and saw white paw’s, not again.

I couldn’t control myself, I lunged at Chris making him topple over and hit the ground, I then dug my snout into his chest pulling out his heart with my teeth, I heard a moan as the life left my once lover, I spat out the blood in my mouth.

I ran over to Damon’s vial, and saw some liquid remaining; I picked it up in my mouth and threw it in the death lake, hoping it would reach the bottom and he would be alright.

((A:N:// the Death lake is a special lake the can bring people’s soul back to life if it reaches the bottom))

I heard a gasp and a little girl came to the surface, I wasted no time in jumping in and swimming over to her, I pulled her back to shore were I laid her in her back, I heard more people resurfacing, I jumped in and saved them.

After 3 more minutes Tyler surface gasping like crazy, I jumped in and pulled him to by his collar, where the rest of the people I saved helped him, next Stefan resurfaced I jumped in and moved my exhausted limbs against the tide.

Once getting him safely to shore, I jumped back in looking to see if Damon Resurfaced, with no luck, I held my breath and headed down to find him unconscious on the sea floor, I resurfaced in my human form, with Damon in my arms, I moved my wet hair that clung to my face behind my ear, I swum live saver style to shore.

I pulled him to the bank, my wet black dress collecting sand as I moved, I dropped his body and kneeled down next to him, “Damon, you asshole wake up!” I yelled shacking his shoulders violently  “I’ll drink all you fuken bourbon!” I warned him.

“He’s gone Allie” Stefan said with a tear in his eye.

“No” I whispered “it’s all my fault”

“You’re an Enchanto?” a man asked.

“y-yes!” I said angrily, then a light bulb went off in my head, my blood can cure anything even death, I bit into my wrist and held it to his mouth, he immediately responded, opening his eye’s, I looked up to see Stefan sitting with me, I hugged him with one hand crying into his wet shoulder.

“What the hell?” Damon asked holding my bloody hand away from his mouth, I let go off Stefan and kissed Damon on the lips and the hugged him to death, “im sorry” I whispered in his ear.


((A:N// Aww sorry for the rushed ending, but this is not the end, i now think of this a disney movie, because every thing was happy in the end...WRONG... its not finished ha ah i mean well i hope you like it so far,






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