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Aaahaahahahhaahahhaah my teacher's gonna kill me!!! I was supposed to stay after for a play where doing and I didn't stay!!!! I left early!!!
Jack: calm down little sis your only a 10th grader~
A: *sniff* but I d-didnt stay and i-im gonna get yelled at and she's gonna not like me anymore and 😭😭😭
Cole: *sits down on bed and hugs Adniss.* shhhhhh it's ok.

I lean into the hug and I cried. I had a boyfriend now.... I think Tigerclaw is jealous. He hasn't talked to me like he used to.... Maybe having a boyfriend wasn't the best if I wanted Tigerclaw. I cried even harder. My siblings just hugged me and told me to let it out.

Kō ninja (Human Tmnt Highschool) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now