Chapter 1

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The battle cruiser soared across the planet's surface, it's eye scanning the ground. It was searching for him. The Prince of Cold Blood. It flew past a cave, forgetting to check inside.
    A few cliks after it passed, a head stuck out through the opening. Then a figure dashed across the plain to a small, nearly invisible, shack on the other side of the valley. The shack was made of odd pieces of metal and other unknown substances, and blended well into it's background, unless you knew how to look for it.
    The figure found the door and entered, closing the door softly behind him. When he turned, he was startled at the sight of the old woman, who was standing in the shadows, watching him closely.
    "Ah, he arrives." She croaked. She bowed mockingly, making the man frown. "The Prince of Cold Blood."
    "Do not call me that." the man said, anger clear in his voice. "You know my name."
    "Aye. Loki Laufeyson." The woman eyed him. He was not dressed in the clothes he was used to, which were the clothing of royals. He was, rather, dressed in simple trousers and shirt. His feet were bare. He had been hiding in this valley for days, and his black hair was unkept and unclean.
    The old woman shuffled to a nearby table, where sat a small bowl of fruit and a cup of water. She pointed to it. When he looked at it with disgust, she glared.
    "You came to me for help, Prince, and you are hungry. It is not wise to travel on an empty stomach. You will eat what is given you, or you will go without."
    Loki opened his mouth to answer, but thought better of it. He sat down on a stool at the table and began eating. The old woman walked to a small window in the wall and peered through it, watching for the cruiser.
    "Why are they after you?" She asked after a few seconds of silence passed. Loki sneered.
    "I promised them a part of Midgard, after I conquered it."
    "It was not conquered." The woman glanced at Loki to see that he was glaring angrily at his food.
    "So the Prince has finally failed at something." She said softly. "I never thought I'd live to see the day."
    "Do not mock me, woman!" Loki snarled, turning on her. "My own brother believes me dead, and I have the Battleking of Andromeda after me. I would say it is not wise to ridicule me."
    "Mind your tongue, Loki!" The woman hissed. "You came to me for help. If it was not for me, the Battleking would already have you."
    Loki was quiet a little longer. The woman spoke again. "You have the payment?"
    Loki stood, leaving what was left of his food. He pulled a small satchel from inside the waistband of his trousers and handed it to her. She untied it and peered inside, then nodded, and set it on the mantle over her fireplace.
    "Then I believe you are ready."
    "Ready for what?"
    The woman smiled slightly, her previously kind eyes growing bitter, almost feral. Before Loki could say anything, a shadow moved, and Loki was hit over the head. He fell to the ground, unconscious. From the shadows stepped Ango, the Battleking. He smirked at the body of the unconscious prince, then looked at the old woman.
    "I was wrong, Ursula. You do deliver."

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