Chapter 15

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My mouth drops open, and I hurry to sit down beside him.
    "Th-that's great!" I stammer, feeling immensely happy for him. "That's wonderful! S-so do you have a family? Friends?" I can't stop talking. "This is so awesome!"
    "No, it isn't." Luke says slowly. "Not really."
    "What are you talking about?"
    "I've done terrible things. Made horrible mistakes."
    "Everyone makes mistakes. It's part of what makes us human." I'm puzzled. If I had had amnesia and just got my memory back, I'd be celebrating. But Luke looks almost like he's ready to cry.
    "Not my kind of mistakes."
    "It can't be that bad--"
    "I'm responsible for New York!" He says, almost shouting.
    "...What do you mean?"
    "The Battle of New York. It was me. I let the Chitauri in. I led them."
    "That's imposs--"
    "My name is Loki." He says softly. "My adoptive brother's name is Thor. My adoptive father's name is Odin. My real father's name was Laufey. I attacked New York city, and I battled the Avengers. I'm a monster."
    I'm shocked. Is this even possible? Luke-er, Loki- looks completely ashamed. I take a deep breath and put a hand on his shoulder. He looks up at me, surprised. I smile.
    "You're not a monster. You're a person who made bad choices. And so far, as far as I've known you, you've been a good person who's made good choices. You're a person who likes to read and learn. You like being with people. And you will protect those you care for. You're quick to forgive, and you always have a kind word ready. That's not the definition of a monster."
    Loki still looks very depressed. His normally straight back is bent like he's carrying a massive weight.
    "B-b-but I've killed people! People with families. I killed your brother." He starts to cry, silently.
    "Maybe. But that was then. This is now. And if it makes you feel any better...I forgive you."
    Loki stares at me. I smile, and he slowly smiles back. Then he hugs me.
    I'm surprised, so it takes me a few seconds to hug back.
    "Thank you, Samantha." He says after a bit. I pull away.
    "What for?"
    "For believing in me."
    "You had to believe in yourself, first." I reply. I stand off and dust off my jeans, then offer him my hand. He takes it, and I help him up.
    "You're still my friend." I say. "Demigod or not. In my world, family doesn't end in blood." He smiles, looking a lot better. We go back down the fire escape and head inside.
    As soon as we enter the building, Amber nearly tackles me.
    "Where have you been?!" She hisses, pulling me toward the stage. Loki follows behind.
    "I was just outside. What's wrong?"
    "Nothing's wrong, except our audience wants an encore and our singer was missing!" I realize she's beaming. I turn back to Loki, who smiles and nods toward the stage. So I climb back up. The crowd erupts in applause.
    "Uh, okay." I say into the microphone. "Sorry, folks, a friend was in need and I had to be there for him." I glance at Loki. "Before we play another song, I just wanted to say that it doesn't matter to me what you look like, or what you might have been before this moment. It doesn't matter if you've made mistakes in your life. What matters is that you get back on your feet and keep going. Work to fix your mistakes. The term 'forgive and forget' comes to mind here. And if people try to make you feel bad for yourself..." I glance at Kyle, who grins, knowing what's coming. "Then feel free to crush them like the worm they are."
    Cheers and whistles come from the crowd, nearly deafening. After a quick whispered conference, the girls decide to play a slower song, one of my favorites.
                                               Lying beside you
                                               Here in the dark
                                   Feeling your heart beat with mine
                                             Softly you whisper
                                              You're so sincere
                                    How could our love be so blind
                                            We sail on together
                                            We're drifting apart
                                    And here you are by my side

    We continue through the song, swaying to the music. The crowd is loving it. I hear some people singing along when it comes to the chorus.

    So now I come to you
    With open arms
    Nothing to hide
    Believe what I say
    So here I am
    With open arms
    Hoping you'll see
    What your love means to me
    Open arms

    We finish the song, and the cheers come back full volume. All of the band comes forward, and we link hands, lifting them above our heads as the cheers grow to deafening. I grin into the spotlight.

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