Black Girl Problems - Long Hair

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Here's a common, probably the most common, black girl problem: long hair.
Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but I've heard multiple cases when a black girl has naturally long hair, and all of a sudden, everyone is like, "Is that yo real hair?", " That weave?", or "Girl, who did your weave? 'Cause, huh, I wann mine juss like yours."
I can understand where they're coming from, I mean, come on. How many black girls do we know wear weave? For me, that's a lot. Probably half the damn school.
BUT, I do believe they were taking it waaaay too far. I mean would they want to be put on blast because of their hair? No, I hope.
There are many trouble makers who will put you on blast more than an Oreo Blizzard at Dairy Queen.
Now, here are some realistic examples.

---------------- Examples -----------------------
Example One: Argument on the Phone
Ka' Beeshah: Haayy, girl! Do you like my hair? I done blowed it out dis weekend, and GIRL. You got any idea how long that shit takeMy momma said I cain't complain, because I had ask for it, ann I had wann look good."

Tiara: "Ohhh yasss girl. I like yo new DO ann all, but Tony and Ashton told me tah ask if it was weave or nah, and don't get me wrong or take this on a different level, but that shit do look weave-y. As you best frann, I ain't gon lie. Yo shit look weave-y, and is it evann real?"

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