Act 1 Intro

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[Red Like Roses starts playing in the background.]

[Enter RUBY]

RUBY - Red like roses fills my dreams and brings me to the place you rest. White is cold and always yearning, burdened by a royal test. Black the beast descends from shadows. Yellow beauty burns gold.


[CREATURES OF GRIMM surround RUBY. She takes them all on, killing each, one at a time.]

[Enter WEISS]

[Exit RUBY]

[WEISS stands calmly in the center of the room. Mirror Mirror begins to play.]

WEISS - Mirror. Tell me something. Tell me who's the loneliest of all. 


[WEISS draws her sword and proceeds to face off with the IRON GOLEM.]

WEISS - Mirror. Tell me something. Tell me who's the loneliest of all. Mirror. What's inside me? Tell me can a heart be turned to stone? Mirror. Mirror. What's behind you? Save me from the things I see. I can keep it from the world, why won't you let me hide from me? Mirror. Mirror. Tell me something. Who's the loneliest of all? I'm the loneliest of all.

[Exit WEISS]

[Enter ADAM and BLAKE]

[ADAM and BLAKE hijack a train. They appear to be surrounded by guards. From Shadows begins to play.]

GUARD - Intruder, identify yourself.

[ADAM and BLAKE attack the guards.]

BLAKE - From shadows, we'll descend upon the world, take back what you've stolen. From shadows, we'll reclaim our destiny. Set our future free. And we'll rise. And we'll rise. Above the darkness and the shame, above the torture and the pain, above the ridicule and hate, above the binding of our fate. 

ADAM - Born with, no life, into subjugation. Treated, like a, worthless animal.

BLAKE - Stripped of, all rights. Just a lesser being. Crushed by, cruel, ruthless human rule. When it started, all we wanted was a chance to live our lives. Now in darkness, taking anything we want and we will rise.

ADAM and BLAKE - We'll rise. We'll rise. 

[Exit ADAM and BLAKE]


[Enter YANG]

[The HENCHMEN quickly surround YANG. I Burn begins to play.]

YANG - Come at me, and you'll see, I'm more than meets the eye. You think that, you'll break me, you're gonna find in time: you're standing too close to a flame that's burning hotter than the sun in the middle of July. Sending out your army but you still can't win, listen up silly boy cuz I'm gonna tell you why.  

[HENCHMEN and YANG attack each other.]

YANG - I burn. Can't hold me now, you got nothing that can stop me. I burn. Swing all you want, like a fever I will take you down. 

[Exit YANG]


RUBY - They see you as small and helpless.

WEISS - They see you as just a child.

BLAKE - Surprise when they find out that

YANG - A warrior will soon run wild.

RUBY - Prepare for your greatest moments.

WEISS - Prepare for your finest hour.

BLAKE - The dream that you've always dreamed

YANG - Is suddenly about to flower.

[Enter CAST]

CAST - We are lightning.

RUBY - Straying from the thunder. Miracles of ancient wonder.

CAST - This will be the day we've waited for. This will be the day we open up the door.

RUBY - I don't want to hear your absolution.

WEISS - Hope you're ready for a revolution.

BLAKE - Welcome to a world of new solution.

YANG - Welcome to a world of bloody evolution.

CAST - In time, your heart will open minds, a story will be told, and victory is in a simple soul.

[JAUNE, PHYRRA, REN, and NORA replace RUBY, WEISS, BLAKE, and YANG center stage.]

JAUNE - Your world needs a great defender. 

PHYRRA - Your world's in the way of harm. 

REN - You want a romantic life

NORA - A fairytale that's full of charm.

JAUNE - Beware as the light is fading.

PHYRRA - Beware as the dark returns. 

REN - This world's unforgiving

NORA - Even brilliant lights will cease to burn.

CAST - Legends scatter. Day and night will sever, hope and peace are lost forever.

[Dance break.]

CAST - (whispered) This will be the day we've waited for. We are lightning. Welcome to a world of new solutions. 

CAST - This will be the day we've waited for. This will be the day we open up the door. 

RUBY - I don't wanna hear your absolution.

WEISS - Hope you're ready for a revolution.

BLAKE - Welcome to a world of new solutions.

YANG - Welcome to a world of bloody evolution.

CAST - In time, your heart will open minds, a story will be told, and victory is in a simple soul.

[The stage lights cut.]

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