Chapter Two

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I couldn't help but stare at his tanned complexion, his smirk grew on his face and his perfect white teeth peeked out from his lips. His jet-black hair was pushed back and his chiseled masculine jaw complimented the short stubble beard.

My eyes widened, aware that I was studying his face. "Y...Yes?" I stuttered regaining my confidence I pushed my back up to sit tall and blinked before smiling. His smirk widened and his eyes trailed down to my lips, he cleared his voice and placed his hands on the desk.

"Welcome to the Giovanni Law Firm, as you know who I am I will ask you questions and you must answer truthfully," He spoke very strongly and I could hear the demand in his voice. He placed the papers in his hand "I don't know who you are?" I asked truthfully, it was true I have never heard of or seen this man, his eyes shot up to mine as curiosity filled within them he gave me a questioned look "You don't know who I am?" He asked but it sounded as a rhetorical question.

"My name is Dominic Giovanni, proud Owner of the Giovanni Law Firm, Are you sure you are in the right interview." He bluntly continued sounding offended. "Yes I'm in the right place I just haven't heard of you until now, I thought Colton was the owner," I asked my eyes wandered down to his broad shoulders which were covered in his dark navy blue suit, the outline of his muscles flexed and you could easily tell this man works out.

"Colton Giovanni is my father." His deep voice startled me out of my gaze and I resumed by nodding my head. "Now if you don't mind answer these questions, I have a busy schedule," I quickly came to realize he was in a rush and I must have made him late.

"Sorry, yes the questions," I muttered trying to get a voice out, this man was so intimidating the way he sat tall and superior. I mentally shook my head trying to get rid of the thoughts and maintain myself, what was I doing? Or even so what was I thinking? This man would never have eyes for someone like me! He must be the playboy, that's why Lexi is so fond of him, she knows guys like him.

"Your full name?" He asked, I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, my name was obviously on the files that are in his hands. "Rose Valentine," I firmly replied.


"Twenty-One," there was a pause before he continued.

"Do you understand the job description, the rules you must follow?" He asked. I swore to myself knowing that I didn't know the job description, dammit Lexi! She sent me the email of the internship job application but I don't ever recall reading a description of what it is I'm supposed to do! She blabbered so much as usual and I zoned out. What a great first impression I thought to myself.

"Well as you can see... My best friend Lexi told me about this internship as a legal assistant until I finish my law degree and I then can work as a full-time criminal lawyer... I never really received an actual memo, all I know is that I booked for an interview and with my application which sent through allowed me to gain the opportunity for the job..." I trailed off explaining. He was studying my features, furrowing his eyebrows, he was concerned, was he doubting my words? Did he think I was lying?

The chair moved as he stood up and paced towards the glass window, unsure of what I should do, I stayed in my seat confused and worried that I might have just lost this opportunity. "I'm not lying," I blurted out, a small laugh escaped his lips and a smile appeared for a mere second before it was replaced with a smirk.

"You see, there are certain rules to be my legal assistant," he spoke staring out to the city. "You must not speak to anyone about what occurs in the Law firm, this office or the residential mansion," his tall masculine built self-paced back to the desk in front of me. Mansion? What would be my business there? Questions flew through my mind, I was rather intimidated by this man and unsure whether or not I should ask him anything but I was snapped out of my questioning when he continued to describe the work I would amend to.

"You must prepare the interviews, and accompany the clients until the meeting begins,"

"You must attend annual parties, annual balls, and clubs with me,"

"Finish all the criminal research I have left and leave me a review each week of the findings,"

"Set my desk every morning, placing the list of regular tasks I must complete during that day,"

"You must do what I say and with no doubt question your superior,"

"So what do you say, Miss Rose Valentine, are you able to fulfill the required job description," The mocking tone in his voice sparked anger within me. He was testing me, my face hardened and I tensed my jaw trying to cool down, this man was humiliating me, thinking I cannot complete such tasks!

"I accept," I strongly replied, his eyes darted back to the paper, he looked up giving me a smirk facial expression and placed the paper in front of me with a pen.

"Sign the contract,"

"Contract?" I questioned skimming through the details of the terms and conditions of the internship.

"Rose," His voice softened and pressed his finger against the word 'signature'. Calling me by my first name caught me off guard and I couldn't help but to think how nice it sounded.

I pressed my lips together, and with no hesitation, I signed my name Rose Valentine in cursive writing. Placing the black pen down I slid the contract back to him adjusting my position in the chair I stood up and paced towards the door as I opened to exit the room I felt a tall presence behind me and it was no other than Mr. Giovanni. His hand was pressed against the side of my face as he closed the door shut.

"By the way," His darkened eyes stared into mine as I realized his face was only a few inches away from mine.

"Fail to complete any of these tasks and disobey these rules will result in unwanted circumstances," He smirked, his dark brown eyes staring at my now blushed face. What was I getting myself into?

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