I am

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So, there's not really much to say about this one except I wrote during the plane ride to Florida back in early August and forgot about it, but I kinda like it so here you go! So vote, but more importantly, comment and tell me what you think! ☺ ✌
I am
Here I am
Eyes clenched shut,
A teenage dream, or a fear-ridden nightmare?
Jetsetting around the globe,
Chasing the gold in LA
They all wanna play!
What we thought we heard, thought we saw...
Chasing the fairy lights in our minds,
Always 'one step closer',
But really, we were four steps behind
They told us we had
The world in our hands
In our back pockets
But we weren't told
That our dreams would be crushed like the ants we are in the real world
The adult world
And just when we thought there was nothing left for them to take,
They took our hearts,
Our love
But they couldn't take our spirit
And they never truly could take our dreams
So, Here I am
I am

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