Society's Undesirables

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So I read this one in Slam Poetry and apparently it was good. The goal was to use a lot of big words, some of which I can't remember the meaning of. Oops...

Also, I hate the spacing on Wattpad.


The world we live in

Is a beautiful horror

While fractious unreachables  

Live their lives in a sociable solitude

Like an ugly duckling among beautiful white swans

The rare ingenuity of their minds


By all who care

Locked away where nobody

Could ever free it

A ravishing sight to all who behold

Like the eloquence of a thousand young saplings 

Cut out for great things

But cut down for the even greater good.

The truly epic dwindling in numbers

Because let's face it

Change is only a figure of speech to

Move masses and inspire hope

But the only real change comes from those who are cut down and pushed away

Time and time again

Like Galileo calling out in house arrest

Those locked up and tortured

Like Nelson Mandela from his isolated prison cell

Until the light slowly starts to fade out of their eyes

Labeled society's undesirables

Because those who inspire the most hope

Will in turn inspire the most fear

Because a neutral apathy

Is society's favourite trait

However, though time might tell twisted tales of a terrible fate

The truly galvanizing never really fade

For energy may only be transferred

Never created nor destroyed

And the zealous cannot help

But delegate that same duty and 


To the hands of another.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2017 ⏰

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