What's Next?

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There comes a time in everyone's life when they just need to stop and reflect on their lives. To think of where they stand. What are they doing with their lives? Or you can simply go to your room, close the door, and crank up your music so loud no one can hear you scream. Somehow, just thinking helps people. But how? How can just thinking of all you've done wrong, and coming up with excuses for your actions and those that were inflicted upon on you help? It doesn't for me, I know that for damn sure. The screaming doesn't either. Because most the time, my frustration is because no one will listen to what I have to say. So just screaming with my music doesn't do anything. It's like rubbing salt on a wound. Still, no one will listen. So you end up crying. Crying your eyeballs out and wondering why the pain doesn't leak out with the tears. Sadly, you can't cry out your feelings. Personally, I find it stupid to have tears. You cry when you're hurt and sad, so why can't you cry out all of that? Useless tears, they end up hurting you even more. They show a vulnerability, and people use that against you. To recap, we've tried thinking and looking about our lives, screaming but it seems to just make it worse, and then it all leads to crying. Nothing has worked yet. So what's next?

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