Chapter 26: More Gasters?

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You look towards the voice and see two more Gasters coming towards the four of you. One of them, well, his attire was completely different from the other Gasters.  He wore black pants and, instead of a cloak, wore a orange turtleneck with a blue vest over it with a button on the top left of it. His eyes were two different colors. The right was orange while the left was blue.

The Gaster next to him had the same attire as Fell and G but his cloak was black at top changing into purple looking clouds towards the bottom.

Help get them out of the Void? How were you supposed to help? You can't summon portals like Ink and Error. On top of that, your magic is still weak from the sudden transformation from earlier before you were pulled in here.

"Geez US I was talking before you interrupted rudely." G said to who you know now is US, rolling his eyesockets.

"Now now G he's just excited. Can't blame him for saying something." The Gaster with the purple cloak said. 

"Yes I can help you guys get out but at the current moment my magic is weak and I have to rest first before I can do anything. I'm not sure how but I'll do what I can." You said to the Gasters with a smile and slightly yawned. All the events that happened are catching up to you. You gasp when all of a sudden your pulled into a hug.

"YAAY you hear that Starlord, she said she's gonna help us!" US happily said hugging you tightly with stars in his eyes that remind you of Blueberry's. You giggle hugging him back.

"Alright US let's let her rest now so she can get her magic regained." The Gaster now known as Starlord said to US.

You yawn again and start to slowly fall asleep

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