Chapter 10

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Rhein and Yanan get up from their desks and head to their boss's office. Rhein falls behind do to the rush in the office. It looks like a police station but the thing is only Mythics work there. Rhein is their first human officer the MPD,Mythics Police Department, has ever had. Yanan grabs Rhein by the back of his jacket and drags him through the crowed. Yanan opens the glass door to the heads office. The head looks at them in her monster skin. Martha is a dark pixy so her hair is black and red, her eyes are red as blood.

"Rhein dear. You know you're supposed to report when a new vampire appears." She glares at Rhein cold heartedly causing him to gulp.

"I-I was going to after he filled out the paperwork." Rhein is looking at the ground.

"I don't give a rats ass if the paperwork is filled out!" Martha slams her hands on her desk standing now. "This will not happen again got it?!" Rhein nods quickly. Martha clears her throat.

"Now the other reason I called you two down here is that there was another body found." Yanan nods showing that he was listening. "And I'm going to assume the same mo?" Yanan asks leaning more on his left leg. Martha nods.

"The Wendigo was also spotted running from there. You two go and see if you can track it and bring it in." They both nod and leave the office. Yanan leads Rhein to the last place it was seen. He throws his coat into his car along with his tie and shoes.

"How good of an aim are you?" Rhein watches him.

"Good I guess? Why? What are you going to do?" Yanan smirks at him.

"You know you're the first human that the MPD has hired." Rhein looks at him confused. Yanan clears his throat. "And that means the rest of us are Mythics. I'm a werewolf. So I'm going to track this fucker and you're going to be on my back shooting it." Rhein looks at him.

"You're joking right?" Yanan looks at him with a serious look.

"Yeah your not joking." Yanan walks into the alley with what looks to be a special made bridle for his wolf form. Rhein watches as Yanan turns into a wolf bigger than a direwolf. Rhein walks over kinda scared. Yanan motions for Rhein to get on his back with his ears. Rhein manages to get on and Yanan is scaling the tall buildings following the scent. Rhein is looking around holding onto the rope of the bridle. He sees a blue green figure on a rooftop it's hands and face looks to be covered in blood.

"I think I found 'em." He points in the direction, when Yanan looks over the Wendigo is putting on the human's skin. Yanan growls and runs to the Wendigo almost causing Rhein to fall off. He jumps over the gap and the Wendigo is running Rhein pulls out his gun and takes aim and fires. He hits the Wendigo in it's leg but it is still running.

"Aim for his head kid!" Yanan growls to Rhein as he's running. Rhein nods and takes aim again but the Wendigo stops running away and runs at them. The Wendigo runs at Rhein with its right hand up and sharp bloody claws ready to kill him. Without a second thought Rhein shoots at the Wendigo but misses his head but hits his shoulder only knocking Rhein off Yanan. Yanan rips the bridle and tries to bite at the Wendigo but the Wendigo throws him off the building into a dumpster leaving Rhein on the roof. Rhein gets up and grabs his gun only to be shoved away from it. The Wendigo flares its claws out and digs them into Rheins shoulder spraying his blood all over around the roof rocks around him. The Wendigo digs it's claws and hand deeper going through the other side of his shoulder. Rhein try's to fight back but it was pointless. Rhein hears Yanan's growl and then see's Yanan ripping the Wendigo's head off killing it properly. The Wendigo's body crumbles to ash and Yanan catches Rhein in his human form.

"HQ we need an ambulance ASAP. Officer wounded and critically bleeding from a Wendigo." Is the last thing Rhein hears before passing out from blood loss and how much blood is on the roof. 

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