Chapter 13 AKA: Rhein learns to be badass

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Rhein jumps onto a canopy above a shop and lands on the ground on his feet and takes off after the werewolf that once again has cut parole once again. The red and black wolf jumps over a rushing street causing Rhein to stop. He looks at the tall buildings thinking of different ways to get to the other side without using the nonexistent cross walk. He puts away the cuffs and takes a few steps back and runs as fast as he could across the street. He jumps from one top of a car to the next till he gets to the other side safely. He growls when he sees the wolf run off again. He takes out his taz gun and keeps running after it, once he gets close enough he shoots the wolf with the taz gun causing the wolf to collapse and turn back to a human. Rhein pants heavily as he walks over to him and rolls him onto his stomach and puts the thick cuffs on him and takes out the tazer needles from him. He pulls him up and Yanan joggs up to them panting.

"Holy shit kid." He pants. "Did you do track in high school?" Rhein looks at him and sighs.

"No in High school I tried to kill myself." The werewolf looks over his shoulder at Rhein.

"No one cares about your sob story ass hole." Rhein looks up at him and smirks. He kicks him in the back of his leg causing him to fall on his knees. Yanan sighs.

"You can't beat him if he pisses you off." He grabs the much taller redhead from the ground and takes him to the cop car.

"You have the right to remain silent..." Yanan starts to tell him. The redhead growled and brakes from Yanan's hold. Rhein pulls out his real gun and shoots it up in the air making everyone clear the area. The redhead was trampled in the rush making it easier to get him. Rhein holds the gun closes the back of his head with his finger off the trigger.

"If you try that move again the next shot is going in your skull. Got it?" The redhead looks at him scared as all hell.

"Y-yes sir." Rhein gets off his back and pulls him up.

Yanan shakes his head. "Well that's one way to clear out in area." He holds his now bleeding nose and lets Rhein guide the guy into the cop car and finish saying his rights. Rhein doesn't help the guy duck down so he smacks his head on the top part of the car causing Yanan to laugh a bit. Yanan sits in the passenger and Rhein sits in the driver's seat and starts the car after buckling up. He takes the car out of park and drives to HQ. The guy in the back is just looking out his window not saying a word. He looks up at the tall buildings and and smirks getting an idea. Yanan looks at him from the side mirror.

"Don't be getting ideas dummy." The guy rolls his eyes.

"Now why would I do that?" He smiles and kicks the thing separating them knocking the shotgun off the rack. Rhein slams on the brakes causing the guy in the back to smash face first into the grate part, there is a nasty pop meaning his nose is now broken. Yanan didn't budge knowing Rhein would do a pit stop.

"I warned him." He shrugs and Rhein keeps driving. He pulls up to the doors to let Yanan out to go bandage his nose. He turns off the car and someone comes to get the now knocked out mut. Rhein gets out of the car and sighs. He heads inside and goes right to his desk and starts to type. Yanan comes back with bandage on his nose.

"Where you really trying to kill yourself in high school?" Rhein slams on the 'r' key when Yanan asks the question.

"Let's just drop it." He goes back to typing.

"Not going to happen. So tell me." He leans on Rheins desk. Rhein saves the file he was typing and stands up pissed off. He grabs his keys and leaves Yanan leaning on his desk. Yanan goes after him but Rhein is already gone when he get's through the rush.

Rhein gets off his crochrocket and takes off his helmet. He left work to go get Mc Dicks for him and Yanan's lunch. Probably not the best idea but oh well. He walks in and orders for them both. He rides back to work and Yanan is confused as all hell when Rhein comes in carrying his helmet.

"I didn't know you ride." Rhein glares at him and hands him his food back.

"Just shut up and eat." Yanan takes his food and Rhein sits back in his desk. They both start to eat.

"I still want to know." Rhein doesn't answer him. "Kid tell me or no more jobs-"

"If you want to know ask the chief. She'll tell you all about my high school life." Rhein says and then stuffs his burger in his mouth. Yanan looks at him a second before finishing eating. 

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