Michael. ( Halloween special)pt.1

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As I walk around this city in search of my next victim, I can't help but feel the cold night air on my skin. I heard all the people's voices around me, I see them but do they see me? They are all distracted by whatever it is going on in their lives, that they don't even notice when someone is about to strike... Stupid mortals..


As I hide in a dark space, watching the people pass me by, I see her, my next victim. She walks by with so much grace, her scent is so alluring, she smells delicious, I want a taste.

I'm going to have her .

Guys I'm doing a Halloween special, this is a mini story and it will end on Halloween. I'll go back to my regular imagines in November. When this story is over I would love for you guys to comments, let me know if you like this style of writing and all that, just leave feedback.

Yes this one was short, but its only the.... Beginning.

With the love, L.O.V.E

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