I'm thinking I could come up with a book series but if you guy and girls who are reading this done like this tell me and I will not make a series of book off my adventures I had in my life so far. I will tell you this there not the safiest storys I will tell you this now I like when I was in Spring Feld IL. I was camping and it rain all week end and were I live in Iowa it did not rain a drop.
I will start this chaper off with the Spring Feld thing it was April of 2012 andwhen we puled into are camping spot it was dry. Then the next day we went to the musum of Lincon and still dry but when we left it start poring rain but we did see so more stuff they we went back to camp and made dinner and I for got to pack ex. close so I had to dorw sock from a friend for the rest of the week end the next day Sunday I then say I'm buying a panchow then it stop raining and that ponchow has been sitting in my pack sense then so now I have to ponchow in my pack all the time. Thats one story I have out of the 100s.
Here one more story the last story of this book. the last story is hard to pick but here it is it the story of Alabama it was it was 2009 and I was happy because I got to skip school for a week. Here is the funny part they were going for a drowt and the it rain after like 3 mouthsand then it can cold after we came back to the north part of Alabama the even funnyer part was it snow in Iowa.
I hate to say it but I have to finish my first book so THE END