The Snow That Falls

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Nature is something that connects everything in this world. For example, a pine tree that two people slowly carve out their initials into its bark, to a car skidding across an icy freeway and hitting that same tree. A tragic accident meeting a memento of marked love. Everything has a role to play in the infinite story of our very existence. The snow has always been one of the favorite characters; loved by many. It's a treasure that people crave in the boiling sun and a burden in the icy chill of winter.

The almost iridescent clouds loom overhead. They drift over towns, the people that occupy them oblivious to what will soon happen in the next hour. On the television that very morning, the weather man stated that there would only be a slight drizzle when the sun reaches its highest peak. The clouds above say otherwise. White specks soon gracefully float down from above the land. Each molecule is unique to its brothers and sisters. They glisten in the light that shines on them, creating the most beautiful scene. These tiny particles cannot yet be seen from the eyes below. Only the birds that sail high in the luminous sky are able to feel the cold breeze through their sleek feathers.

Once the snow has finally touched the ground, people gather around to witness the sudden change in weather. Piece by piece, the snow starts to stick to the slick concrete. It comes together as easily as puzzle pieces, forming their finished picture. The adolescent youth can now be found rolling the snow into tightly packed balls in the front lawns of their homes. They play a game of war that involves striking each other with the compacted snow. Jackets are soon covered in the particles that were once drifting down from the sky. Mothers are scolding their children for getting so wet. Laughter can be heard from miles away, and the warm feeling of joy is palpable in the air.

Others may experience the encumbrance that this weather brings. Walking on the sidewalk of a bustling city a person might come across a pile of snow at their feet. When looked upon, the snow is no longer its striking white color. Most of it has turned a dark black with patches of yellow. These piles of snow with unknown substances can be found in abundant amounts on every slab of pavement. It no longer looks like a scene from a Christmas film, but a city that does not care for its streets.

Whenever a car is left out in the snow, it looks beautiful as soon as the snowflakes start to coat the windows. It becomes a problem as soon as the snow starts to accumulate. It surrounds the car, making it sink into the grasp of the white blanket that seems to be endless. Inside the caverns of the car's engine, the hands of the unrelenting chill has gotten a hold of all the important wires that allows the vehicle to function. If a key was to be turned to start the ignition, the usual grumble and clank of it coming to life would not be heard. It is now trapped in the desolate cold of a winter night.

With having heard both the positive and negative sides of the snow, it is still many people's favorite character. That is a valuable thing to love something even after its done unspeakable things. People can still see the happiness that comes with this change in weather. Put the hardships behind, and you will find a magical essence that can only be found in the icy chill of winter. Finally, at the end of the day, the snow melts. Water droplets soon become puddles that bring cause for dusty rain boots to come out of closets. Yet, the memories of the snow that fell are still remembered. 

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