I woke up in my bed with a sleeping Jeff next to me. ( BTW Jeff has eyelids in this story! Sorry!) He looked so peaceful at the moment. An evil grin crept apon my face as an evil idea popped in my head. I quickly shook Jeff and started yelling at him. "Jeff, wake up! There's an earthquake!" Jeff's eyes quickly shot open as he jumped up. He pulled out his knife and pointed it at every direction. I laughed so hard that I fell onto the floor. I held my stomach and laughed at the sight of him panicking. "What the fuck was that all about?!" He shouted as he looked around for me. "[y/n]? Where'd you go?" He questioned. He walked over to the side of the bed and looked down at me.
He tilted his head as he stared me down. I kept laughing as I held my stomach. I guess he caught on, cause an evil grin crept onto his face. I looked at him as a few more chuckles left my mouth. "What?" I asked. "Don't act so innocent. You know what you did." He chuckled and so did I. "Oh don't worry, I'll get you back soon." He stated as he pulled me up off the ground. He picked me up bridal style and carried me downstairs. I kept laughing as the scene replayed in my mind. I guess we missed breakfast since no one was in the kitchen. BEN was in the living room, playing Call of Duty II.
Jeff carried me into the living room and layed me down on the couch. I thought he was going to sit down next to me, but instead, he sat down on me. He sat on my stomach, in particular. "Dear god, Jeff! For a guy who's fit, you sure are heavy!" I chuckled as I tried to push him off. He smiled at me and raised his hoodie up in a fan-like way. Well he was deffinatley fit! He had a six pack, for sure. And his skin was extremely pale. He had a few scars here and there, but I'm sure they're from fights."Oh shut up!" I yelled at him as I pulled his hoodie back down.
BEN did a little flirty whistle, but never took focus off of his game. "Well don't we have a cute little couple?" BEN said with a smirk. "Shut up BEN!" I yelled at the little elf. Jeff then leaned down and kissed me. BEN must of saw the reflection of us in the screen, cause he laughed. "Told ya." He stated. While Jeff was distracted, I pushed him off and rolled off the couch. I didn't want to use my powers, cause I didn't want to hurt anybody. Jeff laughed and laid down in the spot I was just in.
I thought I would do the same to him, so I sat on his stomach. For some reason, he wasn't fazed. "You know, you're pretty light for a girl your age." He stated. "Oh fuck you." I said as I flipped him off. "Anytime. You know what room I'm in." He replied with a smirk. BEN laughed and gave him a thumbs up. "You. Are. Disgusting." I stated. "No, he's just Jeff." BEN stated with a chuckle.
Multiple footsteps were heard outside the room in the hall. Out of nowhere, Sally comes running into the living room. She had a panicked expression on her face. "[y/n]! Help me!" She yelled as she tugged me off the couch and hid behind me. "Sally?! What's wrong?!" I asked worried. Jeff sat up and stared at her worried, and BEN paused his game and did the same. Sally pointed at the living room doorway with a scared expression. We all looked at the doorway and waited for something to happen.
Out of nowhere, Laughing Jack popped up behind me and picked Sally up. "Boo! You're it!" He yelled as he held her upside down. We all sighed and BEN and Jeff went back to what they were doing. "Seriously, Sally? You had me worried!" I yelled with a sigh as I clenched my chest. "Sorry. I just didn't want to get tagged." She stated. LJ put her down and disappeared in a black cloud. Sally ran out of the room yelling all sorts of things.
I decided to go to the gym and get ready for tonight. We had already picked out our outfits yesterday, but wouldn't it be hard to fight in a dress. The dress I was wearing was pretty tight around the waist. I guess I'll just have to deal with it.
I had something I wanted to try to do with my powers. I placed several knives on the ground around me and sat crissed scrossed on the ground. The knives were in a circle around me. There was about 60 to 70 knives around me. Where did I find all these knives? Honestly, I don't remember. All I know, is that they are here. I closed my eyes and focused on the knives. In my mind, I knew they were levitating. When I opened my eyes, they were.
I closed my eyes once more. This part is the hard part. I learned that in order for me to fly, I had to think of one topic. I couldn't think of mulitple topics, otherwise I would fall. So I closed my eyes and pictured me levitating. After a moment, I felt lighter than normal. I opened my eyes and I was levitating. I couldn't get excited, or I would lose focus. So I took a deep breath and used my powers to pick up a few knives. I haven't picked up multiple objects at once yet, so I needed to take it slow.
After I picked up 3 knives, I picked up 6. Then 10, then 14, 16, 20, etc. Once I had them all picked up, I put them back down. The more weight I lifted and the longer I kept myself in the air, the more exhausted I grew. I sat back down on the ground and took a breath for a moment. After I regained some energy, I went up a level. This time I picked all the knives up at once, but I stayed on the ground. Once I proved that I could handle all the knives at once, I set them back down.
Now I was going to try both at once. I picked up the knives, then myself. It's kinda silly, but I actually broke a sweat. Here was the fun part. I aimed all the knives at different targets, then focused on it. It was actually harder then it sounded. After a few seconds of regaining strength, I fired. My ears were met with sharp noises as the sound of the knives echoed through the gym. I smiled and stood back onto the ground. I heard clapping coming from behind me and I turned around.
"That was good." Jeff stated. I smiled and looked back at the targets. "Well it was a lot harder than it looked." I replied. "Well, it's still nice to know that you can protect yourself." He said. "What about you guys? How do I know you guys can protect yourselves?" I questioned a tad bit worried. "You don't need to worry about us. We've been doing this a lot longer than you think we have." He replied with a reasurring smile. I still didn't feel too sure about their safety. I gave him a look of plead and he sighed.
"It can't be that hard. Just focus." Jeff said. I hesitantly nodded. Jeff was trying to get me to make a shield around him. The thing is, I only know how to put a shield on myself. Jeff stood a few feet in front of me. I concentrated on him and tried my best. (Here is a clip from Twilight. It should help you understand what your shield looks like.)
(As you can tell from the clip, it is very hard to 'expand the shield' onto others. But at least now you can visualize what your character's shield looks like.)

Why Me? (Jeff the killer X Reader)
Aksiyon"I never truly knew my parents, but I could always picture what they would look like. I always pictured me having my mother's eyes. But never did I ever picture having my father's demon side." When [y/n] receives a note from her long lost mother, s...