Chapter 10

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I woke up with a cold sweat running down my face, as always. I looked at the time, which read 1:30am as usual. I was use to it by now. I sighed and laid back down. I knew it was going to take me sometime to fall back to sleep, so I decided to do something that I used to do when I was younger.


The stars shined bright, yet they would be gone in a few hours. I remember doing this with Bell when I was younger; just lying on the roof and staring at the stars. We would wait and watch the sun come up. The thought made a smile creep on my face. To be honest, I miss Bell. Me and her would always talk about music and give the stars different names. I held Luna, my necklace, above me and pictured it sitting in the sky with the stars. 'When you feel lost or when times get tough, just look at the stars and they'll lead you home.' Bell's voice echoed in my mind.

"[y/n]?" A voice said from behind me. I turned and looked at the figure. It was Jeff. "Jeff? What are you doing out here?" I asked shocked. He sat down next to me. "I could ask you the same thing." He replied. I sighed and looked back up at the stars. "I normally watch the sunrise after I have a bad dream. I guess it's just calming. Besides, me and Bell, my foster mother, used to do this all the time." I stated as I laid down. Jeff did the same and stared at the stars as well.

I turned and looked at him. "What about you?" I asked. He sighed as well and spoke. "Well, not every kill is easy. Same as you, I guess it calms me to watch the sunrise after a stressful kill." He stated. I nodded and looked back up at the stars. It took me a moment to notice just how close we were. I could feel his heat radiating off of him on to me. To be honest, it actually felt nice. I could feel him staring at me, but since every kid does that at school, I'm used to it.

I looked at him and he did the same. I noticed him lean in and I panicked. I've never had my first kiss before. It couldn't be that bad, could it? Our lips were only an inch away and I was already nervous. I soon just relaxed and let it happen. Before I knew it, a soft texture met my lips and it was official. We had just kissed. It was actually really nice. And, honestly, it felt right. I thought the kiss would have been over by now, but no. We were still kissing. And I actually didn't want it to end.

He pulled me closer to him and put his arms around my waist. I put my arms around his neck and became more passionate with the kiss. His lips were really warm and soft. For a guy with cuts across his mouth, he was a pretty good kisser. We pulled away to catch our breaths. He looked deeply into my eyes and smiled warmly. I smiled a little back and nuzzled into his chest. "I love you." He said softly as he put his head on top of mine. I stayed quiet for a moment. Did he really just say that?

I snapped back into reality, when it finally dawned on me. I loved this killer. And he loves me. "I love you too." I replied softly. I felt him smile as he stroked my hair.

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