Night Seven ~ Fiction ~ Inside A Killers Mind

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The lantern flicked with the wind. Shadows dance across the walls. Blood dripped from the axe I held oh so dearly. You see I'm not insane nor delusional. It's just that I do not find happiness in the tedious tasks, oh so many people do. Her pathetic screams still rang in my ears. Her begging replayed in my mind. A wicked grin crept onto my face. Oh, how delightful it is to see someone endure so much pain, so much misery.

I can still see her slumped on the floor, blood pooling around her. Her eyes fixated on me as she drew her last breath. The glaze that swept over her eyes as she left this world. Oh, how it gives me chills to think about! How evil you must think I am. I assure you, I am no monster. Everyone in the world is so uptight. If they just let loose a little, they'd see I'm right. Oh my, don't hide it. Inside you're all as wicked as me. You'd enjoy their pitiful screams their misery. Everything I fancy, deep down you do too. But ah me, you have no courage to put it to the test.

Perhaps you're wondering why I would do something so pleasant if it's so short lived. Well, you see I like to keep a souvenir or as the few people who've found out (not that they're still around) called it, "my twisted little trophies". Now I like to mix it up. For the children, I take the hair, the teens their nails, and last but certainly not least for the adults I take their right big toe. But ah me, you must be curious to how I keep them organized. Simple. I bundle the hair. Paint the girl's nails a blood red, the boy's an ocean blue. After I take all the precautions I place them in a jewelry box adorned with lace. Oh! How magnificent it is! Of course, I take special precautions in hiding my "twisted little trophies". Fifty yards away from the big oak by the river, I place the box five feet below. 

A loud knock thundered against the door. "Oh, my, my, my," I muttered. You see guest are all too common around these parts. People tend to call my neck of the woods the death zone. Oh my, how awfully wonderful it makes me feel. They have even come up with legends about it. Some say a beast lives here and once it finds you well let's just say there will be no evidence you were ever there. Oh my, how little they know. For why wouldn't they expect per se a human to be doing all this. As I was saying, because of these legends tourists come by. Although many believe it's a beast the cops seem to be just a teenie bit smarter. I have visits from them every now and then.

The knock thundered louder. The room was spotless. Rising I placed the axe next to freshly cut wood in the corner. Taking off the dirt-stained apron, I approached the door. With a slight creak in the hinges, it swung open wide. "Hello," I said. An officer looked over my shoulder. Lips pressed tightly together as he examined my cabin. Oh, how serious he looks. "Is there anything I can do for you," I asked politely. Leaning against the doorway, I examined his expression. Determination, bravery, strength, but hidden inside was fear. I had to stop myself from chuckling. Oh, how wonderful! He fears me. My, my what horrible things I could do. But ah me, I am no fool. Kill a citizen they investigate but have no clues. Kill an officer, well it's just plain reckless. Why kill someone who has people knowing the came to see you? You become the prime suspect. And as someone with this particular hobby that can be dangerous.

"Yes actually. A woman was reported missing. She was last seen entering these woods. Have you seen anything," he asked wearily. Pinching my brow I went into what I hoped looked like concentration. After a moment I responded, "I don't believe so. I heard some rustling in the bushes but it was just the squirrels." Nodding he said, " Interesting.  Isn't it funny how you're the only one who has ventured into these woods and come out alive." "Well as you can see I live here. Have been for longer than the beast has been around. I am no fool. I protect myself. Carry a gun on me at all times. Lock the door, close and lock the shutters. Simple. Tourists come here all the time. Making noise hoping to see the beast and kill it themselves. But ah me, they're all fools. None bring any sort of protection."

"How would you know this," the officer questioned. "Why else would they venture into as some call it The Death Zone? As for the protection, why else would they no longer be around? That is unless they bring some but are too weak to put up a good fight. And it's not like no one has survived but me. Cops come through from time to time and make it out safely. For the most part, only civilians die. Now if you'll excuse me it's late and I should be getting to bed." Stepping back, I inched the door shut. Just as the door was about to close upon the threshold, a boot stuck in. "Not so fast."

Anger boiled inside me. What kind of delusional would stick around? Ah me, I might lapse. I might kill. Oh, how I wish I could but the risk of going to jail is too great. Crossing my arms tightly, I said, " What is it you need?" Widening the opening, he took a step back. "There will be an investigation. Be prepared to see a lot of cops. That's all," smiling he walked away. Closing the door, I looked at my axe.

"You'll have to leave then," I gritted through my teeth.

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